How bad is it to re-submit an application?

<p>So i turned in the common application for one of my schools, but i made hugee changes to the essay portion. Would it be inadvisable to mail in a new copy of my supplementary essays, along with a new version of my common app?</p>

<p>You cannot send a new version of the common app to a school that’s already been sent the common app (at least not electronically).</p>

<p>No, it would not be a good idea anyway. It will look like you didn’t put care into the application you initially sent. It will look like “She didn’t care enough to edit the essays right the first time.”</p>

<p>I disagree.</p>

<p>Perhaps a bit earlier, and closely after submitting so you could say “I uploaded the wrong version” or something. I wouldn’t suggest it. Personally, I haven’t (and won’t) look at a single thing I’ve submitted until acceptance/rejection. I don’t want to put myself through the second guessing haha.</p>

<p>Maybe you could send a letter with the essay explaining your situation, but I mean if its not that big then don’t worry about it. One of my HS teachers worked on the admissions of Reed and he says the most memorable essay was one on “Zeil” Armstrong only because of the mistake.</p>

<p>I see.
Well, I think I’m going to go ahead and send it… It’s a pretty significant; it’s not like a few grammar mistakes. I changed my entire essay topic because I’m going to write my supplementary essay on the topic I had originally, and I wanted to show different sides of myself.</p>

<p>When you sign the common app they make you agree not to make any changes so…</p>

<p>vasudevank, did the applicant who wrote Zeil Armstrong get accepted? lol</p>