How bad is Lit?

<p>I looked up the mean score for Lit and its listed as 583 -- which is the lowest among all the SAT II subject tests. if I haven't had a year long course in literature, what should I do to study..... especially with the poetry excerpts.</p>

<p>i dunno i'm studying for it right now and it seems harder than the ap test MC.</p>

<p>i'm honestly not trying to scare you....anyways i took the Literature test in May thinking that it wouldn't be that difficult, but it was really hard for me. it was just reading poems and stories and answering questions, but if you aren't really good at reading metaphoric poems and stories and deciphering it, then you shouldn't take it. or if you haven't really had training in making connections and finding underlying themes, then again don't take it.</p>

<p>also you should study poetic terms, there were a few of them on there.</p>

<p>It is really tough. But if you're good at analyzing poems, go for it. But as hapaing said before me, the May Lit test was hard.</p>

<p>UGHHH. thanks for the advice. I'll probably ended up taking it, but you've scared me into taking my preparation pretty seriously. did either of you guys use a specific book that really helped?</p>

<p>oh yeaheeeeric, i just took the ap comp test too! that first passage was killer, but overall, i think i did dece (but only because i prepped like crazy)</p>

<p>I have the PR review book and it seems pretty easy.</p>

<p>i got from 780 to 800 on my practice tests and i prolly got from 780 to 800 on the may test (touch wood). yea so its a little easier than the ap cause it has poetry which is easy</p>

<p>i would say that kaplan is the best.</p>

<p>boss rag... what books did you use? i have a barron's book right now</p>