How bad is this?

<p>Okay, so I've been offered admission to Northwestern from my Questbridge app, but without the scholarship. I switched my app to ED as soon as I got the email, and am eagerly awaiting my official letter. For the last couple days I've been in heaven, but now I'm starting to worry. Everything seems to good to be true, so I've started stressing over everything that could keep me from my dream school.</p>

<p>My main fear is this - I've had a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, and applied as such. However, last quarter my Spanish IV grade, due to a combination of missing class and general irresponsibility, was a B+. The offer of admission had the obvious stipulation of maintaining current academic achievement. Quarter grades at my school don't affect GPA, and where my grade is now(98ish%) I only need a 92 on the semester exam to bring my semester grade to an A, but I'd feel better if I knew whether a 3.9 instead of 4.0 would affect my acceptance.</p>

<p>Any thoughts? Sorry this ran so long, I'm so used to stressing about college stuff I think I'm addicted.</p>

<p>You have a 4.0 and is worried about NW?</p>

<p>You will be fine.</p>

<p>One B+ is fine. The mean it for cases where you start to get like 3 B’s, or a couple C’s. One B+ is not a serious decline.</p>

<p>Also, congratulation for being accepted at Northwestern!</p>

<p>Thanks! I know I’m being ridiculous. I’m not usually much of a “what if” person, but going to Northwestern really seems to good to be true. I really feel better now.</p>

<p>Actually, the worry more about Ds. You have be pretty bad to get recinded, not that kids dont manage it all the time.</p>

<p>One grade is not going to change anything at all. You would need to go from all A’s to all B’s and C’s for them to care.</p>

<p>^Not true; I think like going down to half Cs could do it.</p>

<p>But one B+ will be fine. Congratulations!</p>

<p>Lol. Are you kidding me? This is not bad at all, like they are going to say ‘Euh well, it seems that this student actually got a 3.9 gpa and not a 4.0. Thus she does not meet our university’s requirements’ :stuck_out_tongue:
More seriously, you will get in for sure. It is Northwestern University, not Harvard :wink: and still, I am pretty sure that they would decide to change their decision about a student just because of one stupid grade. And don’t worry, you are not the only one addicted about college stuff :wink:
Congratulations for your future acceptance! :)</p>

<p>would not*</p>

<p>Just my gut feeling: even if you get half As, half Bs, you’re fine. Rescission stories generally include a Failing grade, or multiple C grades.</p>

<p>hopefully you’ll get your letter soon, because then i’ll get my letter soon. See you at NU, I hope!</p>

<p>Congrats on getting in!</p>