<p>There is no “way” to just get a 2300+ on the SAT. No one can just “tell you how” to do it. A 2300 is an amazing score. I’ll be very blunt and tell you right now, you probably won’t get it. Even if you spend hours every single day for the next year from now until your test you probably won’t get it. It’s just a score that very few people get. I suggest you drop the goal of 2300 right now. Because I can almost guarantee that in a year from now when you get your test scores back you will almost certainly be disappointed if 2300 is your goal.</p>
<p>But if you want to improve the 1990 you got on your previous attempt, then there is hope for you yet. A lot of hope. There’s plenty of advice on this board in past threads if you want to look through and see. It looks like, based on your previous scores, that CR seems to slightly be your strength while Math and Writing are dead even. Obviously, work on those two first. You’ll find tons of help on the writing section on this board if you look around. The format you need to vocab to evidence, etc. For the math I just recommend you do practice problems and make sure you have an understanding of all the concepts that commonly show up on the SAT. Don’t just memorize.</p>
<p>Beyond that, I can’t give you much help. You’ve been very vague. Was there anything in particular that you found difficult on your previous attempts?</p>
<p>If you practice enough a 2300+ is definitely not unattainable, check out this guy’s thread he went from a 1900 as a sophomore to a 2400 at end of junior year</p>
<p>a 2300, though not as rare on this site, is a very very difficult score to attain. It is possible, as is anything , however it most likely won’t happen.</p>
<p>to be honest i think part of it is genetics LOL. it really isnt fair that i’m this gifted, both physically and mentally. i party most weekends and get blazed a lot, and without studying too much i got a 2240.
i honestly wish i could give my aweaome genetics to other people, it really isnt fair that im this gifted</p>
<p>How have you been studying? You have to be realistic with yourself and your goals. I would suggest that you take the practice tests from the Blue Book, and see how/if your score gradually improves (make sure to go over the answers/explanations for each test.) When you’re able to see the progress, then it would be a better time to gauge your target score. A 2300 could still be possible, but it may or may not happen even after many hours and weeks of studying.</p>
<p>my older brother was like that too (kinda). he just slept and played video games… went in to take the test (no studying), and got a perfect 2,400.</p>
<p>If you are an upcoming senior: Follow the advice of the people on these forums. You will probably be able to pull up to a 2150-2200 if you really commit to it.</p>
<p>If you are an upcoming junior: You have a lot of time, and a great way to prepare is to take practice tests and to take the SAT a several times. If it makes you feel better, 1990-2300 is definitely possible. My sophomore PSAT was 198 (equivalent of 1980) and I just got back my May SAT (3rd taking of the SAT) and got a 2330, and I had improved by exactly 110 points every time I took the SAT. Short answer: if you have a lot of time, taking the real SAT is probably the best way to prepare.</p>
<p>Seriously fitnessmodel. My friend never studied for the SAT, and he got a perfect 2400. And he’s international. So -gasp- your genes are pretty good but not outstanding, tbh. My friend and I have equal intelligence from the IQ test, both above 150. Hahaha.</p>
<p>PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE with the BB book. I thought people were lying about how helpful it was, but it is. You will know the patterns of the test eventually and rather than follow other people’s test skills, you’ll learn to develop your own that works for you.</p>
<p>Don’t let these A holes stop you from achieving your goal/dream. You guys don’t know much about the OP and can shove it. This person could be a 13 years old 8th grader who has only been through pre algebra, has a limited vocabulary, and writing skills. They simply could not have been exposed to the material on the test before and therefor are learning as they go. NONE OF YOU KNOW! I encourage you try to the fullest and do not let anyone discourage you! Good luck and don’t the haters bring you down! Good luck studying.</p>