How can I improve my college app?

<p>I'm currently a sophomore but I am trying to figure out a plan to improve my app before senior year. </p>

<p>Here are my stats so far:
Weighted GPA: 4.4 as of last semester
Unweighted GPA: Not sure exactly but I've made all A's so far, and many high A's.
10th grade PSAT: 1720 (That's a pretty raw score since I did not study and forgot to bring a calculator. Taking SAT prep over the summer.)
Extra-Curriculars: Environmental Club President, Dare (drugs and alcohol prevention club) Secretary, Freshman class secretary, member of theatre company, FFA, FBLA, School Service Organization
Awards: Duke TIP State Recognition, National Spanish Exam Bronze Award, Leadership Excellence Award (school), Kohl's community service regional award, National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society
Other: Founder and leader of an active non-profit organization est. 2007.
APs: Taking Geography and Psychology this year, and Language, Art History, and US History next year. </p>

<p>Desired Major: Journalism</p>

<p>Schools I'm looking at:
University of Texas at Austin
Reach: Columbia University </p>

<p>How can I improve my application over the next year and a half? Thanks in advance!</p>


<p>Columbia isn’t that much of a reach for you if you get some more standout ec’s, and your essays are good.</p>

<p>Thanks Geeseman! </p>

<p>I’m planning on getting some internship work over the summer if that makes a difference. :slight_smile:
And while I would like to take on a sport of some sort, I am not all that athletic. Perhaps I could give Ping Pong a try…</p>