<p>I get around 550s on SAT reading. What should i do to improve my CR score?
What books are really gud for improving critical reading?</p>
<p>Sit down with the blue book and do every single CR section with a timer. Don't let yourself have any extra time. And NEVER read the passages. If you can remember many details, at all, about the passages a couple hours later you have read too much. Read the first sentence of each paragraph and the intro and conclusion if necessary</p>
<p>I always finished CR sections with 5-10 minutes left and I always read the entire passages first. Try different methods before deciding on one.</p>
<p>PennDreamer - Raising CR isn't easy. Believe me I am trying. Here are some strategies that seem to be working for me:
1. Check out Grammatix - they have a very good analysis of the types of wrong answers that appear in CR questions. For example, some answers are half right and half wrong. This will help you with process of elimination.
2. Opinions really vary on how to crack a critical reading passage. Some have success with the conventional approach of reading the passage and then answering the questions. Others say read the questions and then read the passage. And still others say read the first paragraph, the first sentence in each paragraph and the last paragraph. I have been experimenting with a new approach that seems to be working. I read the first paragraph and then I read the first paragraph questions. Then I read the second paragraph and the second paragraph questions and so on. I do the main idea and general passage questions last. The bottom line - see which strategy works for you.
3. Practice with real SAT readings. So that means the Blue Book, PSATs purchased from the CB store and any released tests since 2005. The old Red Book (ie 10 Real SATs) does have real Sentence Completions and passages. You may be able to find a copy on Amazon or in you public library.
4. Improve your vocabulary. My recent analysis of the March and June SATs strongly points to Direct Hits Vocabulary (<a href="http://www.lulu.com/directhits)%5B/url%5D">www.lulu.com/directhits)</a>, PR's Hit Parade and the Rocket Review's Core Words as by far the three best sources. These are not the longest lists but they are the best. Remember, quality not quantity. Go for it PennDreamer!</p>
<p>I'd recommend Rocket Review's entire CR chapter along with Barron's Hot Words. They raised me from a 630 to a 700 in about 3 months</p>
<p>I am really really determined to improve my CR during summer. I am really aiming for 700s on the CR and i m taking the SAT on october.
Can u guys tell me what i should do in 4 months to improve my score from 550s to 700s?
Or is doing all the sat cr questions the best way to improve my score?</p>
<p>PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. I can't stress that enough. Seriously, it is the best way to improve your score. Go to Borders and buy a book that has a bunch of practice tests in them. I recommend Princeton Review's 11 Practice Tests, but the Blue Book by the Collegeboard is also really helpful. Then, just do each and every Reading section. Time yourself, and do it like you would on the actual test day. Whatever questions you get wrong, look at the explanation to see why you got it wrong. Along with this, practice vocabulary and learn as many words as possible. Some of the people above me posted great places for vocab words. Don't ignore them!</p>
<p>Reading is the hardest to improve, in my opinion. But, it can happen. Just remember to spend these next 4 months doing a lot of prep. Try to do at least one section a day, if possible. But, don't just do it, and put it away. Do them, score them, and find out why you got them wrong. If you just do this, I bet you will at least improve 100 points if not more.</p>
<p>Dark Knight----</p>
<p>Tried buying Grammatix! Paid $$$ but no download and no help later! Care to share? I hear it’s a good tool to use as preparation for the SAT.</p>