<p>Just curious..
and how is their economics department/math department.. im thinking about majoring in economics and minor in math</p>
<p>Both are excellent programs. I remember when I was deciding between econ/math and wharton, i found that their econ department was ranked around 3-5 and math was like 15-20.</p>
<p>everyone’s major in wharton is econ, with everyone choosing a concentration of their choice versus choosing a general econ major from the college. </p>
<p>i have a friend double majoring in econ and math - he seems to enjoy all the classes offered from the college. it’s also nice to major in econ in the college vs. wharton because i feel like you have more freedom in the types of classes you can take.</p>
<p>because the college economics major is theoretical, while wharton’s economic education is applied.</p>
<p>that’s the same reason why biology is in the college, while bioengineering is in the engineering school</p>