<p>It seems like everyone except me received the e-mail about the decision being posted online. I'm beginning to get worried T^T</p>
<p>Do you still live in South Korea?</p>
<p>Yes… but e-mails aren’t supposed to be slowed by geographical factors…</p>
<p>They might actually.</p>
<p>hmm… perhaps Penn sends e-mails first to the U.S. residents and then to the international students?
that might make sense… perhaps I should check with my friends who also applied to Penn</p>
<p>If you had a PennPortal that was updated (at least for the most part), then you’ll have a decision come Friday. Keep your composure.</p>
<p>My friend did not get one as well. But I did. We go to the same school and everything (both use gmail and applied same thing). Does this email even mean anything?</p>
<p>I had my teacher recs updated yesterday and don’t have things missing.
yeah I know I should calm down, yet it’s really hard to
thanks nj:)</p>
<p>I’m in Japan and I got the email…maybe they go out in waves? I’m sure you’ll get one soon…</p>
<p>hope it comes soon
oh, and I have a question.
When the ED results come out, it’s 5:00 A.M. here in South Korea, and the Internet at my school dormitory starts at six.
Will it be okay if I call them? Otherwise, I will have to wait an hour…</p>
<p>No, you’re not supposed to call admissions until a few days after (like, if you should have received the letter but haven’t), I’m pretty sure.
Won’t you be sleeping? I was debating waking up at 5am to see the results, but I have to get up at 6:30 anyway (school thing that Saturday, ugh) so I figured I should just wait, because a) probably will take a while to fall asleep, and I need sleep and b) probably won’t be able to fall back asleep, whether I get in or not (and again, need the sleep).</p>
<p>Have a friend not at your school/family member wake up at 5am for you, check it, and call you? Haha.
I totally feel you on that internet policy though. My boarding school (currently on leave) has the internet off from 11-6. Screwed me up for a report once when I thought it was 11-5 haha…</p>
<p>scribbler) guess I shouldn’t call the admissions office then, thanx
OMG I don’t think I’ll be able to type in my id and password. I’ll be too sleepy yet nervous about checking the result.</p>
<p>scribbler91, are you applying as a domestic or int’l student?</p>
<p>domestic. I’m just in Japan for a 4 month exchange, unfortunately don’t really live here.</p>
<p>Then I think they send the e-mails according to regions.</p>