How dare they challenge the French

<p>not if you say mmkay. only mr mackie says mkay. but other than that. the 'fun-meter' is up reasonably high. hahaha. im so confused.</p>

<p>I have a bellybutton</p>

<p>fun meter restored.</p>

<p>you can't just say that the fun meter is restored, it's like giving yourself a nickname</p>

<p>Nosx, you have to be a "Simpsons" devotee to get the 'cheese-eating surrender monkeys' reference.</p>

<p>Bonus points if you know which character uttered this memorable phrase!</p>

<p>Groundskeeper Willie</p>

<p> that also from the "ve vill show them hoo are zee frogs!!" episode... ?
"ooo, I've wasted my life"... or is that another French busting episode all together?</p>

<p>wesh les gars on les niquera tous</p>