<p>I'm a high school senior scrolling through Princeton's wonderful undergrad admissions page and a few questions came to mind.</p>
<p>If you've gotten accepted this year, what were your stats?</p>
<p>What about the school made you want to go there? Besides it being a top IVY league.</p>
<p>Also, how did your interview go and what kinds of questions were you asked?</p>
<p>Thanks for taking the time out of your last days of summer for answering : )</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 UW
Rank: 6 of 179
SATI: 800W, 800R, 740M
SATII: 760 lit, 800 math 2, 800 us history</p>
Psych - 5
Chem - 5
Physics C Mech - 5
Physics C EM - 5
US - 5
Lit - 5
Calc BC - 5
Stat - 5</p>
<p>The interview was really informal. I answered questions about what stuff I liked, the stuff I did in HS, and if I had any questions about princeton. Aside from that, I got a couple of specific questions (what are the qualities of a good leader, etc.). I didn’t prep at all and just treated it like a casual conversation… And since I wasn’t stressed, I think I gave the answers that actually reflected who I was. </p>
<p>At first, I was mainly interested because of the godlike financial aid, but then I found out about the ORFE major there (after I got in and I was deciding) and that sealed the deal. Plus it had the best aid. </p>
<p>Best of luck!</p>
<p>Operations Research and Financial Engineering: orfe.princeton.edu</p>
<p>SAT: Math-790 Reading-800 Writing-770
SAT II: US History-780 Math II-800 Literature-780
AP: Calc AB - 5
History - 5
Language -5
Chem - 3 (don’t want to talk about. haha
Macro - 5
Micro - 5
Literature - 5</p>
<p>I chose Princeton because of the focus on undergrads, freaking gorgeous campus 40 min from NYC, and every person I ever met who went to/is going to Princeton is absolutely in looooove with it. They will ***** about the work and grade deflation and whatnot, but overall I’ve never heard anyone say they regret going there. Not true for any other school I applied to, including the other big Ivies.</p>
<p>Princeton was actually my dream school since sophomore year.
Here are my stats:</p>
<p>GPA: 3.97 (or 4.0m depending on if they rounded) UW at time of application; I think it’s around 3.93 (and thus 3.9 rounded) now.
Rank: N/A
SATI: 740W, 760R, 720M
SATII: 650 lit, 700 math 2, 710 Spanish</p>
Calc BC - 5 (taken after admission).</p>
<p>My interview went really well, I think. We just talked about what I like doing (piano, ballet, everything academic, esp science). My interviewer assured me that Princeton was the best place in the world for someone interested in as many different topics as I am because it has the resources of an Ivy university but the focus of liberal arts undergraduate education of a small liberal arts college. She was really nice and wished me luck in the rest of the admissions process. And that was that.</p>
<p>I ultimately chose Princeton because I fell in love with it when I visited in April (and I didn’t at other schools I visited) and absolutely everyone I talked to said they were glad to have made the decision to attend Princeton. At another school (which will remain nameless) some upperclassmen were playing the game of “convince the pre-frosh to come to come to our school” and one girl asked, just to get an idea of where they stood on my list, “so what other schools did you get into?” I mentioned Princeton, and she said, “oh. That was my dream school, but they rejected me.” I don’t want you to think that I’m as shallow as to make a decision based off of one person’s opinion and dream, but that is just an example of the overall sentiment felt at the other schools, a night/day contrast to Princeton. That added to my instant feeling of being at home when I visited sealed the deal. Also, Princeton has an up and coming ballet company, and that’s my favorite EC. Since I have no hope of actually being in a good professional company (I just don’t have the body or the skill), it will be the perfect opportunity for me to enjoy it while getting a degree in something else. </p>
<p>As to why it’s ben my dream school since sophomore year, the best answer I can give is that I fell in love with the campus when I was at a piano camp at Westminster Choir College in Princeton. It’s gorgeous, and the more I learned about the school the more I thought I’d be happy there.</p>
<p>I think my standardized testing scores match closest to you PrincetonWalnut, which is definitely reassuring to know that scores don’t mean the world.</p>
<p>Also, if I want to go into premed, won’t the grade deflation be detrimental to that?</p>
<p>Well you see, I didn’t get into Harvard (which carries the same weight in the name but does not have grade deflation) so it really wouldn’t hurt me in the long run - even if I was top of my class at some school with a lesser name I’d still be better off applying from Princeton (besides, grad schools know about grade deflation and, I hope, use clas rank accordingly). I also don’t know if I want to go into med school; I’m just contemplating it as a possible next step after college.</p>
<p>Oh yeah, and standardized testing definitely isn’t anything. I know people with 2400 who were rejected from almost every Ivy to which they applied.</p>
<p>^True that. Princeton was the only Ivy I got into.</p>