<p>Well, for you guys who took SAT II math level IIC 1 or 2 years after you took precalculus/trigonometry, how did you do to refresh your memory?
That's because I took precalc sophomore year, will take stats AP junior year, and maybe calc BC senior year. Just 3 month without any precalc review, I messed up completely my practice SATII math level IIC (finished only 45 of 50 questions, got 9 wrong) That's not in my nature since I got 99 average in precalc honors.</p>
<p>Do you think taking Calc will help review all precalc concepts? (since you will have to, to succeed)
Would 1 month of review during the summer suffice?</p>
<p>Any anecdotes, advices are more than welcome. Thanks for reading.</p>
<p>i took math IIC one year after taking algebra 2/trig. i just study the review section in the Barron's math II book and i think it covers everything u need. i don't think math II actually need things in precal.</p>
<p>i forgot all my pre calc and trig stuff from last year. this is sad. and i threw out all my stuff the last day of school >.< DAMN! i looked at the barrons book and was like shoot... :(</p>
<p>No, calc won't help in reviewing for pre-calc. A friend of mine took AP Calc AB this past year, but she didn't do so well on the SAT II (which she took after reviewing for the calc exam), because, as she said, there were so many things on the SAT II that she hadn't done in a long time. So you'd definitely need to review that on your own.</p>
<p>Also, do you think college view SAT as well as AP exams? That's because I plan to take AP Bio, AP US hist, but also the SATIIs for Bio and US history the same year.
Similarly, I will take calc senior year, but also the SATII math level iic. Is that redundant for colleges? (is it even worth it to take SATII math when we got 99/100 in honors precalc and 5 on the APcalc BC exam? I don't really feel like reviewing all the precalc stuff while taking calc at the same time...)</p>
<p>i took math 2 in june right after taking calculus ab and i made a 720..forgot tons of material from precal/algebra 2. i would reccommend giving yourself some extra time to relearn those subjects.</p>