<p>So today is the day of EDII and I still haven't gotten it. Does it come by email, cmu website login, or mail?</p>
<p>So it says I can find it in the where am I in the process page, but its not working for me : /.</p>
<p>I applied ED I and mine came in the mail the day after it was supposed to. They were late with ED I decisions.</p>
<p>oh, ok. Well they said you could check in the WHere am I in the process page but I cannot find my ID for some reason. It worked one time before. </p>
<p>“Your receipt email will also include a Application ID Number (not CommonApp ID) which you can use to access your admission file through our web site at: [Admission</a> > Undergraduate Admission](<a href=“http://www.cmu.edu/enrollment/admission]Admission”>Index of /enrollment/admission).
Simply click on “Where Am I in the Process”.”</p>
<p>My receipt email does not include an Application ID number… What do I do?</p>
<p>The Application ID is your Common App ID, assuming you applied with the Common App.</p>
<p>When you open up your actual common application pdf for CMU, your Application ID number is the number at the bottom of each page.</p>
<p>I don’t see anything on my WAITAP page, I applied ED II as well.</p>