<p>So I am a concerned older sibling who currently has a younger sibling preparing to take the SAT. Here's the bizarre dilemma. My sis has an outstanding GPA (4.0 uw, not sure about weighted), hasn't gotten a single B yet in high school, and has been taking all the AP and Honors that's being offered at her high school. She's currently ranked 16/400 something kids and her high school is pretty decent (lots of smart Asian and White kids).</p>
<p>My parents sent her to a SAT prep course this summer and she is in her 2nd week of study. Unfortunately, her first 2 week practice tests were horrendous scores. She got around ~1320 on her initial diagnostic and on her 2nd week test. Her diagnostic test was 440V/430W/450M. I'm not exactly sure what was the breakdown of her 2nd week score, but it was pretty similar. How did she do so terribly, and is yet a top student in her high school? Beats me...</p>
<p>I think most SAT prep courses, on average, help a student raise their score by around 200 points. Even if that is true, my younger sister will only get around a 1500. That is kinda pathetic compared to her GPA and is a complete blow to her overall application. Her top choice is UCLA and USC and even with that top GPA, I doubt she'll get in to either with a low SAT score. We're not URM either.</p>
<p>Anyways, what exactly do you guys do to get those super high schools? How do you guys study? How many hours a day do you study? Did you guys mainly study during the summer? If you studied during the school year, how many hours a day would you study?</p>
<p>Btw, you're all wondering, "Hey you're her older brother and you go to college. You took the SAT at one point if your life, why don't you give her advice genius?" Yes I would. Except when I took the SAT I didn't exactly study for it myself lol. I kinda just fluked my way by and got a decent score (1810). It's not the best, but then again I didn't really have a study habit. I honestly just rolled with it, barely studied, and took the test. So yeah, I'm no help =</p>