How did you guys study for your SATs?

<p>So I am a concerned older sibling who currently has a younger sibling preparing to take the SAT. Here's the bizarre dilemma. My sis has an outstanding GPA (4.0 uw, not sure about weighted), hasn't gotten a single B yet in high school, and has been taking all the AP and Honors that's being offered at her high school. She's currently ranked 16/400 something kids and her high school is pretty decent (lots of smart Asian and White kids).</p>

<p>My parents sent her to a SAT prep course this summer and she is in her 2nd week of study. Unfortunately, her first 2 week practice tests were horrendous scores. She got around ~1320 on her initial diagnostic and on her 2nd week test. Her diagnostic test was 440V/430W/450M. I'm not exactly sure what was the breakdown of her 2nd week score, but it was pretty similar. How did she do so terribly, and is yet a top student in her high school? Beats me...</p>

<p>I think most SAT prep courses, on average, help a student raise their score by around 200 points. Even if that is true, my younger sister will only get around a 1500. That is kinda pathetic compared to her GPA and is a complete blow to her overall application. Her top choice is UCLA and USC and even with that top GPA, I doubt she'll get in to either with a low SAT score. We're not URM either.</p>

<p>Anyways, what exactly do you guys do to get those super high schools? How do you guys study? How many hours a day do you study? Did you guys mainly study during the summer? If you studied during the school year, how many hours a day would you study?</p>

<p>Btw, you're all wondering, "Hey you're her older brother and you go to college. You took the SAT at one point if your life, why don't you give her advice genius?" Yes I would. Except when I took the SAT I didn't exactly study for it myself lol. I kinda just fluked my way by and got a decent score (1810). It's not the best, but then again I didn't really have a study habit. I honestly just rolled with it, barely studied, and took the test. So yeah, I'm no help =&lt;/p>

<p>What is the name of the SAT prep?</p>

<p>GO HERE : <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Why, XsCaffeine, I was going to recommend that handy-dandy guide, but you beat me to it. But yes, refer to Silverturtle’s guide and just do a bunch of practice tests. Soon you’ll realize all the nuances in the SAT and master them for test day.</p>

<p>@ OP</p>

<p>Some test companies, such as Princeton Review, purposely give an extremely hard diagnostic test and pad scores over time. Check out the link the above posters recommended. In addition, you might find this link of some use to you:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Maybe your sister just isn’t good in logical thinking, or didn’t grasp the topics in the SAT as well in middle school.
Maybe she could take the ACT (I heard its a school-oriented type of test unlike the SAT)</p>

<p>Yeah i would try the ACT for kicks. There is a test in september…Many students prefer the ACT.</p>

<p>xiggi is as old as ziggy martin. </p>

<p>Just saying.</p>