How did you hear about College Confidential?

A CC poster who posted with me on an AOL board sent me here. Amusingly I found several other acquaintances here, some with same, some with different screennames.

I had been talking to a senior when I was a sophomore I think. I joined and forgot about the site until a few months ago, as a high school senior. Since “joining” again (though I used the same user name) I have now become practically addicted.

I googled something to do with college this summer. I wish I would’ve found CC freshman/sophomore year, ESPECIALLY as a student whose family has had very little college experience.

yep, it was PSAT/NM googling for me, too. I wasn’t comfortable relying on the overworked GC to be able to help guide us through the process…she was awesome, but I can’t imagine having been through this without all the knowledge that I gathered (and continue to absorb) here on CC.

I’m sticking around, biding my time, until D2 is deep into the thick of things…she’s a junior and in the “investigative” stage at this point.

Wondered what the PSAT cutoff would be in my state when older D was a junior in high school, so I googled. CC had the best info. That D is now graduating from college this year!

[Younger sister is a junior in high school this year…and the wheel keeps on turning…]

A friend sent me the link when both of our DD’s were going into music. There are so few places to go for help with a child in the performing arts. GC’s are useless in this area. CC was savior for us as to learning what we needed to do, how to research, prepare for auditions, and choose a school.

My daughter showed it to me in response to a question I asked her late in her college process (I think her applications were all in at that point, or almost). She told me it was useful, but “evil”, and that she didn’t like to read it because the kids on it were over-the-top competitive and obsessed with Ivies and GPAs.

One of my D’s friends from National History Day recommended it - I have used it more than she has, but I think once she becomes a senior and really starts to compare schools/acceptances (hopefully) she will be using it more.

Searching for FAFSA info…

I found CC through a recommendation on a timeshare user’s discussion board:

And I found that board from The DIS:

And I found that one in 1999 during a search for a family WDW trip.

What is most amazing to me is that I know lots of people who have never heard of discussion boards!

I can’t begin to tell you how many things in my life have been impacted by posts in the various “cafe,” “lounge,” and “community” sections on these and other boards over the years.

Article in NYT magazine last fall about kids from a competitive hs in Westchester County NY applying to college, one of the moms in the story was perusing the posts on CC as her child filled out apps at the kitchen table.

“yep, it was PSAT/NM googling for me, too.” same for me. i learned enough in my first visit to CC about how the selection for commended/semifinalist works that i was able to explain it to GC. (his initial explanation was contradictory to what i read on CC, and wrong) that was my first clue that CC was going to be invaluable!

After D lost her apartment and all her personal possesions including computer, musical instruments, books, notes AND her school (temporarily)
to Katrina—I had a matter of days to find her a school that would take
her on sight unseen. Thats why I sometimes chuckle to myself when reading
about the stress of the admissions process.

When the kids on PR became too racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic, I began to look for an alternative and found cc.

Recommended by a friend.

I was one of those who migrated here from PR.

Wish I could remember! Only know it was just in the nick of time!

When D got her PSAT/NM letter, I started googling. I wondered what the cutoff score might be for NMSF. I got hooked on CC!

I found CC last spring when my senior daughter did not get into her top two college choices. She was so disappointed after that–felt like she was “not good enough.” I didn’t know what to do so I Googled something about dealing with college rejections and–here I am! Sure wish I would have known about CC earlier so that it could have helped in the process. There are some things I would do differently.

PSAT/NM googling about four years ago. Finding CC has been an invaluable resource to our family; however, they feel I need a twelve step program to wean myself from my “lurking” addiction.