How did you first discover College Confidential?

<p>I was introduced to it by a friend of mine a couple years -- we were sitting in Scripture class, and I think we were supposed to be jointly doing a project involving a trip to Jerusalem, or something, but we were obviously procrastinating, and so the discussion turned to colleges. Somehow or another, he ended up pulling up CC on the computer we were using, and I ended up making an account a little while after.</p>

<p>Haha, I remember looking at some chances threads or something, and thinking to myself omfgI'msuchafailure, so I didn't go on again until a couple months back when I wanted to check up on the status of the June SAT, or something. Eventually I wandered over to the HSL board, and have been gracing all of you here with my presence ever since.</p>

Eventually I wandered over to the HSL board, and have been gracing all of you here with my presence ever since.


HAHA! Nicely said :]</p>

<p>I was googling something and came upon it. Oh. I was trying to re-find the petition against cancelling AP Latin Literature [AH I was nerdy even before CC! Oh noz], and somehow came across a CC post about it. And I fell in love. lol. Then signed up ;]</p>

<p>My friend, Angel (Techy233) told me about it during a conversation about college. He assumed I already knew about CC; I've been addicted every since.</p>

<p>I was googling about college and then I saw it and clicked!</p>

<p>Warn your friends against this please!!</p>

<p>^Seriously.. this site is ridiculous. The other day [okay yesterday] when I got home around 3:30ish, once I got on the computer, I [of course] tried to pull up CC, and it was like "CANNOT DISPLAY THE WEBPAGE" and wouldn't work.
: o
I was sad. But I had to go to my piano lesson, and then on the way home... sneakily stopped by the library to get on CC. Bleh. Addicted!</p>

<p>Read about it from someone on another forum I go on, who, correctly, advised me to take CC's advice with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>lolol, I shudder to think of what would happen if you had a phone with decent internet-roaming capabilities!</p>

<p>My (green) counselor was doing some research on Ivy League schools and printed out some of the information from the main site... I went to the site and found the forum. :)</p>


Woah! I was just thinking of this in the little while that I wasn't on CC lol. I would never get anything done...</p>

<p>I googled Jewish Pikachus and this came up.</p>

<p>That's funny...</p>

<p>It doesn't come up when I google Jewish Pikachus!</p>

<p>[Arabs</a> See Jewish Conspiracy in Pokemon - Los Angeles Times](<a href=“]Arabs”>Arabs See Jewish Conspiracy in Pokemon) this is what came up when i googled jewish pikachu</p>

<p>I wanted to see what was better: AICE (AS and A-levels) or AP.</p>

<p>I searched on google for college math department rankings, and I ended up here. I searched on google for AP curves, and I ended up here. I realized I had seen this site before.</p>

<p>I started out on the AP forum and have slowly branched out.</p>

<p>lookin for portzzzzzz, found the visual arts and film section, got addicted. ended up here.</p>

<p>I typed in something about how qualifying for/doing well on AIME affects college acceptance after taking the AIME freshmen year…</p>

<p>I remember searching for info about Brown, then stumbled upon here!</p>

<p>I was researching urban colleges and ended up here.</p>

<p>I was maybe in 6th grade and my parents were talking about how their friend’s kid got into a 7-year med program. I didn’t know what that was, so I googled it and ended up on CC. Was aware of it but didn’t join until freshman year.</p>

<p>A professor at NYU got a restraining order against me. So I came to the internet looking for a way to e-stalk him. Found this site. (and his personal blog. mm.)</p>