How did you receive your likely letter?

I recently submitted my application which is being supported by an athletic team at an Ivy league school. I have a green light from admissions for the academic read, but I am still nervous. I am wondering how I will receive my likely letter (if of course I get one). Thanks in advance

This is going to vary by school and program. I’d check with the coach on timing of likely letters. I believe the Ivy agreement sets Oct 1 as the first date likely letters can be sent, so I wouldn’t expect one before then unless the coach has told you otherwise. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous during this time but with coach support and a positive pre-read it’s extremely unlikely this won’t work out for you. So focus on school work, training for your sport, and binge-watching something on Netflix for the next few weeks to pass the time. Good luck!

My daughter received a phone call after Oct 1 from an admissions officer. He let her know that should would be receiving a likely letter in the mail. She received it in mid October

Same as sftbl30-phone call from admissions and then the Likely Letter. I believe it was early Oct. From what I understand, the timing can vary depending depending on the athlete/student plus admissions can be very busy this time of year.
I did not have Coll Conf to draw on when we were going thru this. We/I was still nervous until the LL came and still then until officially accpeted.
mugshot1080-from what you descibed sounds like everything is in order-Congrats & goodluck!