<p>:) just wondering!
What did they ask and how did you answer? :)</p>
<p>Do you mean an alumni interview? I had an interview with an alumni from the college of engineering at a local coffee shop. I’m generally not the best in situations like that, so I was worried, but I thought it went fine. The woman that interviewed me was nice enough, and she helped the discussion to flow more like a general conversation than a drilling session. It was clear she didn’t want to go more than 45 minutes or so, and she seemed mildly distracted a large portion of the time, but she was nice enough and I thought it went fairly well (as well as could be expected).</p>
<p>Obviously the most important question she wanted me to answer was pretty much “why Cornell, and why engineering?” It was asked in many different ways (why cornell, what are you looking for in a college, what did you like about Cornell, etc). An easy question if you’ve done your research - but HAVE REASONS WHY YOU WANT TO GO TO CORNELL. Concrete reasons are good, too (ie don’t say “because it’s ranked highly on US News”). She also asked why I wanted to major in computer science. </p>
<p>Then she asked about extracurriculers I had done through high school - I brought a resume (I think this is a good idea), which sort of helped to focus in on the activities she was more interested in. At some point she asked me if I had any questions for her - this will almost certainly happen, and I think it’s important to have questions, and probably ones you can’t find the answer to online (maybe about their personal experiences, or opinions, etc)</p>
<p>I may be forgetting a thing or two, but that was pretty much it. No “what are your strengths and weaknesses”, “tell me about a challenge you’ve overcome”, or “what vegetable do you think is most like you?”, and certainly no technical questions. Of course this is only from my own experience, and other interviewers may be different, but I hope that helps.</p>
<p>Of course there’s the possibility you’re talking about a formal interview for some other college (I don’t even know - do some colleges require this?) in which case everything I just typed is moot. But it may help someone, so I don’t mind.</p>
<p>No this is perfect. :o I’m just nervous about interviews in general haha!</p>
<p>I had no idea an interview even existed for Cornell, haha. I never got one!</p>
<p>Lucky you!
Yes I believe that if you can’t do an interview, they make you write an interview essay! i think interviews are required for AAP and a couple of other branches…</p>
<p>Sorry if I’m kind of jumping in on your thread Terminatio, but I have a question about this. Even if an interview isn’t required, should I go do one when the time comes? I am thinking of applying to CAS. Does an interview give you an edge in the admission standpoint at that college? I am really pretty shy and really afraid of screwing up, but maybe it could be worth it…?</p>
<p>@Paintallthestuff: Don’t even worry! I love when people jump in!
Girl, (or guy), I definitely know what you’re talking about. I’m really shy and screw up in interviews too! I’ve only been interviewed a few times, and all of them were really hard for me but I was still accepted to the programs I applied for! I think the point of the interview is just to help you discover the program more. I really think that you should go for it! It might be exciting anyways, to talk to someone who’s already attended Cornell :). They’re trying just as hard to sell their school to you as you’re selling yourself to them. Just think of it like a normal conversation:-).
If you get accepted, we’ll just freak out about the interviews together! ( I think we’re graduating around the same time? I’m not sure…Class of 2015? :o</p>
<p>They are not per say “interviews” but rather “informational chats” done by local alumni. My D was never contacted for one & was still admitted. Has little to no bearing on admission.</p>
<p>@Terminatio: thanks! And I’m a girl. I guess it can’t hurt, since they probably have plenty of nervous kids see them anyways. And hopefully I’ll be seeing you on the campus in a few years! (that is if I get in… :() Are you thinking of applying ED or RD?</p>
<p>@Paintallthestuff haha Yeah! I’m a girl too! <3 are you a rising junior? I’m most likely EDing.
It’s like my dream school…</p>
<p>No, I’m a rising sophomore, which makes me overeager I guess. But Cornell is my dream school too- has been ever since I went with my sister when she was doing college tours. I’m going to visit sometime next year (I might not have a chance junior year), and then will probably apply ED when the time comes. Just out of curiosity, which college are you considering?</p>
<p>Yeahh! I got really attached to Cornell for it’s architecture… I’ve never visited though. Hopefully I can go if I intern somewhere in New York next summer…
Wait, this means I’ll have to go through the agonizing process of admissions before you ;_;…</p>
<p>I really love Cornell, Cooper Union, Upenn, Rice, and USC… but my heart is at cornell LOL</p>
<p>I love architecture too, but my parents are strongly suggesting I get a bachelors in something else and a masters degree in it, since unemployment is supposed to be really bad. I don’t really mind, because I’m strangely attached to economics and politics as well, and I like the idea of dabbling in fields of study. And Rice is also an amazing architecture school (my cousin goes there and loves it). Good luck on that internship! And don’t worry about admission… I’m sure you’ll do fine, and you have all of college confidential to help.</p>
<p>LOL. Maybe I should just bachelor in fine arts… jk what would I do with that ;_;…
My dad wants me to go into politics which is my least favorite thing… I mean I’m not bad at it…I just don’t like it you know? I don’t know, I’m just in that rut where I don’t really know what I want to do and architecture/art is the only thing that’s slightly appealing to me. :(</p>
<p>Yea, I have the same problem. I have interests, but I don’t know what I want to do jobwise at all. I’m hoping that with the diversity at Cornell CAS I’ll be able to find something. I love the arts, but have no idea what I would possibly do with a degree in that. I also considered history, but I really don’t want to end up as a elementary/middle/hs teacher (shudder). Anyways, I have time to figure it out :P</p>
<p>LOL. " I really don’t want to end up as a elementary/middle/hs teacher (shudder)" That like sums up everyone here. Yeah… At least you’re a rising sophomore… If I could redo sophomore year…It would probably be to do more ECs while I had free time… seriously sophomore year was so easy</p>
<p>I wish it’ll be easy… but I’m taking 3 AP’s and adding a bunch of EC’s. Right now I only have my quiz team, which takes about 3 hrs of practice a week and enormous amounts of summer prep, art club (which got cancelled this year), and volunteering at a library.</p>
<p>Wow, I just realized that I’m now a junior member of CC thanks to this conversation!</p>
<p>Oh man. 3 aps sophomore year? That’s a huge course load for a sophomore…
and LOL. You owe me.
And I volunteered at the library at school! the librarian retired right after though…maybe I caused her too much stress lol.
I only took one ap! But it was like…my easiest class (EHAP)</p>
<p>How was AP Euro your easiest class??? Haha, I guess I do owe you one.</p>
<p>Oh! I almost forgot. If you are still nervous about how the interview will go and are planning to apply to aap for architecture, cornell has a page where they give applicants who can’t go for the mandatory interview a list of questions they have to write answers to. Maybe prepping for those questions will help you out…? Anyways, something to think about: [Cornell</a> / Architecture / Admissions / Required Interview](<a href=“http://aap.cornell.edu/arch/admissions/interview.cfm]Cornell”>Undergraduate Admissions: Architecture | Cornell AAP)</p>