I am currently a sophomore in high school finishing out the school year and I was thinking about graduating early at the end of my junior year. I understand the social con’s of this but how would colleges look at it on my apps? I am a mostly A, very rare B student and I take all honors and I have taken AP World and AP Gov and Politics. I am also taking summer classes at the local community college. I am confident I have the responsibility and intellectual ability to go to college a year early but I was curious if colleges would look at this as a negative or positive thing. I want to be a nurse so I know the selectiveness from schools go up so that should probably be taken into consideration. Thanks!
There is nothing really special to graduate one year earlier. You know, some students were just born a day too late to go to school a year earlier and they are mentally not different from those who did make the cut off. It may also depend on the fast track courses availability at your school.
It is called Early Admission, some do not even require a high school diploma. If you will have a high school diploma then you would probably be considered with everyone else. Try to avoid Bs if possible
Rather than leaving HS early, see if you can spend senior year dual enrolled, hence starting to take college courses instead of staying in HS, but since they’ll count for HS graduation they’ll be “free”. It’ll look MUCH better to colleges if you showed that you can handle college - “surprisingly”, it turns out the best predictor of college success is doing well in college while in HS
:D. However stay involved with your HS, keep your leadership positions, etc, etc, since those factors also matter a lot (or get involved at the college where you’re dual-enrolled.)
Typically, leaving HS early is a negative, so use the “extra” year to prepare for college rather than just fulfilling requirements.
^ I agree. Also make sure of that year to improve scores for a better chance to get merit aids.