How do EPGY online courses look on college apps?

<p>I'm a rising senior, finished Calculus BC, Stats, and Computer Science, so there's no more math at my high school. So, now I'm in a program that lets me take classes at the local community college. Unfortunately, there's quite a strict cap on how many credits I can take per semester, and I won't be able to fit all the courses I want at once. In particular, I want to take Discrete Mathematics, Physics, and the MultivariableCalc/DifferentialEquations/LinearAlgebra stuff that comes after high school calculus, but I probably will have to leave at least one of them out.</p>

<p>Anyways, I looked around, and EPGY's classes seem to be a solution to my problem. I was wondering, though, if being a distance-learning course would make it any different than the other courses I take at a school in real life, in terms of how it looks on the transcript?</p>