How do Grad Schools view Colorado College?

I’m super interested in CC!
What I’m concerned about (and what was unclear online): how do top grad schools view CC? Are there resources and opportunities for research and internships? Do employers even know about the quality of CC?

@where2g0987 Grad schools know that Colorado Coll is one of the top LACs in the USA. I’d expect a similar high quality of internships as well. As for employers, I don’t know. Maybe another poster can answer?

I am also eager to know! I applied EA and was wondering how helpful Col Col is t getting their graduates jobs.

Here is a link to postgrad employment percentages and to degrees completed by graduates (data tracks graduating classes at least 5 years out)

And more graphics- her’s a link to CC’s career center which has data on surveys given to 2016 and 2017 CC grads.