<p>So I'm doing a research project with my mentor at this university. I really want to continue working here all four years of high school, as this year is my first year researching. I had the aim of first working here for my science fair project, but now that my project is almost complete, I hope to work with a research group and publish something.</p>
<p>Problem is, my mentor thinks that I'm going to be done and will leave the lab after my project is completed. I asked her about summer, and she thought that I was only working at the lab for this year. I'm also not very experienced with lab work, but I really want to try hard. I realllly want to stay though because I see this as something I can develop later on. How would I go about asking for an internship extension for the summer? Would I send an email a few months near summer when I'm all done with this project? Or how would I ask her in person?</p>
<p>Is this person someone you have casual interaction with while at the lab? If so, then select an appropriate time to tell her how much you enjoy working at the lab and you would like to know if there is any way you can continue after your project is done. </p>
<p>It sounds like you’re in high school, so maybe don’t mention any particular area of interest. Just make certain she knows you enjoy being there and will be committed to whatever task she asks of you.</p>
<p>If you do not have casual daily contact with her, you should ask when she might have a few moments for you. She’ll either give you time then, or schedule you in.</p>
<p>You should do this sooner than later. Make sure she knows that you are available and eager to contribute. She may not have an immediate need for you, but staffing requirements are always in flux. Something could change and if you’re name is on her mind… you might luck out.</p>
<p>If you get turned down, don’t act like a high school kid about it. Just thank her for her consideration. Thank her for the opportunity you already enjoyed and ask, if she doesn’t mind, what credentials she would like to see before considering you again.</p>