How do I Find Out About Merit Aid/No Link

<p>I used candidate’s choice.</p>

<p>Just went to candidate’s choice application form on-line:</p>

<p>-streamlined design with fewer questions
-convenient personalization
-notification of financial aid award with admissions decision</p>

<p>Son used Candidates Choice, but no financial aid info so far.</p>

<p>D had the weird male name thing also on one of her tabs. No financial aid link either.</p>

<p>Was just back over in the board on the RPI admitted student website.</p>

<p>I read a couple of interesting things.</p>

<p>1) Student commented that their aid came up within 2 hours of their acceptance. That comment makes it sound like the site is dynamic and changing over time. Therefore maybe updates are coming on their own.</p>

<p>2) That same student commented on another thread (at a later time stamp) that that same G.M. name is visible on their account.</p>

<p>3) Lastly, a student replied to the other students w/ the wrongs names. His reply was


<p>Not sure what that means but I thought that I would pass it on.</p>

<p>Yesterday there was nothing but today when I log in there is a letter announcing the $15,000/yr merit scholarship (DS is a Rensselaer Medalist).</p>

<p>seems odd…i hope they mail out an official package with all the details…does anyone know if they do?</p>

<p><<<<seems odd…i=“” hope=“” they=“” mail=“” out=“” an=“” official=“” package=“” with=“” all=“” the=“” details…does=“” anyone=“” know=“” if=“” do?=“”>>></seems></p>

<p>The e.mail notification i rec’d said that all the details would be mailed.</p>

<p><<<<Just went to candidate’s choice application form on-line:</p>

<p>-streamlined design with fewer questions
-convenient personalization
-notification of financial aid award with admissions decision >>>></p>

<p>I applied candidate’s choice online, but no mention of merit award.</p>

<p>I called the financial aid office this morning, and they will continue to post offers all week.</p>

<p>firefly - thanks for the call, I just logged into D’s RPI account and it looks like tech support is in the process of working on the wrong names on the various enrollment tabs.</p>

<p>Can anyone enlighten me on what specific screen would those extra pages be attached. At least I will know if I am watching the right place. Will it be on that first “accepted” letter page or later on on the accepted student web site.</p>


<p>It will be at the very bottom of the acceptance letter. I have no idea what you mean by tabs, so I think once all your tabs are gone, that will be the fix!</p>

<p>wpirpi - Thanks for the reply. As for the tabs, on the RPI admitted student website there are a number of accepted students (like my D) who when they click on their enrollment forms tab, and/or any subsequent form link, they get various other peoples names in the log off corner. It is a little disconcerting. If that error can be happening, what other mistakes exist in the code. My comment about RPI possibly working on this problem is because one of the incorrect names has changed today to something akin to tech support.</p>

<p>Son’s FA package was posted a couple of hours ago. Surprising (in a good way).</p>

<p>flirefly - Your message caused D to look also. D was given merit after all - $15,000/year.</p>

<p>We still have no link!! Hopefully it will be posted soon…the only link we have is Return to Admissions page. How is the link labeled?</p>


<p>Adviceplease - What I noticed is that at the top of the application status page is says “An update to your application was last posted on March, 16, 2009”. Until late this afternoon the date was March 14, 2009. That will be your clue when it happens.</p>

<p>smoda61 — Thanks! I’ll look. We’re already expecting 15k from the Rensselaer Medal but it would be great if it would be more. She likes the school but the cost is so high! 15k barely dents the total. It seems like it’s an incredibly competitive year this year though with many ultra qualified candidates so I’m not expecting that she’ll get more. It’s going to be a tough choice for her. Two lesser but good schools offered her full tuition but … she’s doesn’t have her heart set on either of them. </p>

<p>All will be decided soon I suppose!</p>

<p>Adviceplease - I hope that you get what you need. D has avery different situation. Four acceptances, two technical schools both with merit RPI $15 and WPI $22 and two LA with no money Brandeis and Bowdoin. So she has very different types of schools to sort out and then there is the scholarship component. We also still have 5 others school from which she is waiting to hear.</p>

<p>smoda61 – Wow waiting for 5 more will make it a very interesting month! My daughter is just waiting for 1 more. She has partial merit money offers from most of the other schools she’s been accepted to…she did Early Action to most of the schools she applied to so she heard from most by mid-January. The 2 full tuition offers are very tempting but…it has to be the right fit. Good luck to your daughter! It’s an exciting time for them.</p>

<p>D applied SCEA to Yale (was deferred) which wiped out other round 1 EA applications. WPI has an EAII and Brandeis gave a special ap with early notification, so she knew those two by mid Feb. RPI was saturday and today she was surprised by a Bowdoin Early Write. The SCEA application with its rules slowed down the whole application process for her by eliminating all other EA options. That is great that your daughter has already heard from so many. Does she have favorites?</p>