How do I Find Out About Merit Aid/No Link

<p>Cyberbo60, that’s kind of odd. I have an EFC of 60,000 and I got the exact same aid package (medal, loan, and the work programs). Try to launch an appeal; that sounds like a mistake if your EFC is 15,600</p>

<p>It looks like they’ve gotten all the online stuff straightened out for many ppl.</p>

<p>I rec’;d the hat and sticker today, too. It was a nice gesture.</p>

<p>104,000 in scholarships for the next four years.
28,000 in financial aid.</p>

<p>if i dont get into my first choice, i’m definitely going here.</p>

<p>cyberbo60: Like gbpackersfan24, I got the same package, despite the fact that my family’s EFC covers the yearly tuition. Maybe they haven’t processed all of the FAFSA stuff so what they’re showing you is only the merit-based aid, and you’ll get need-based stuff later? I agree with gb that you should contact them. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you and your son!</p>

<p>ricecooker…wow that is great news and an amazing opportunity…you definitely have a great second choice…lol</p>

<p>wait jk 38000 in finaid</p>