how do i get off the mailing list??

<p>I've tried responding to an email they sent me and got no response. I've tried calling the office of undergrad admissions and got connected to a voicemail.
I keep getting huge packets and stuff in the mail and its all useless because I'm not applying to any more schools.
I just want a quick easy way to get OFF the mailing list. </p>


<p>Mailing lists are triggered by SAT and other stuff like that you fill out. Really I don’t think there is anyway to get off until the purge this year’s stuff. My dd get lots of useless stuff from many different colleges because they liked her SAT’s. I haven’t found a way of these schools to stop wasting their money. I gave up.</p>

<p>“how do i get off the mailing list??”</p>

<p>… you don’t.</p>