How do I know if I should switch from my current field to medicine? I'm 23 and not in college anymore

Indeed it is. I regret going to Cal so much and felt stupid every single moment I was there. At least I didn’t get weeded out by Calc II, eh? @WayOutWestMom

Sometimes a person just needs to answer themselves to know what they don’t know. :roll_eyes:


You can I prove your chances by becoming a strong applicant.

Why do I have to prove anything to anyone for anyone to believe in me lmao? Why can’t people just fake their belief in me, at least? Like at least friends and family lmao??? No luck there!

You need to be optimistic. Do the best you can. I would say…give it a try because you then will have no regrets.

I have a better idea. Be pessimistic, get the MBA/MPH/MHA/MPP/master’s degree in economics and not relieve all the trauma of being a dumb dumb at Cal and organic chemistry and mental health breakdowns and regret it forever.

Tell me about it! This entire thread has made me relive my trauma 4500000x.

certainly if you’re responding to people that are genuinely trying to help you with snippy responses,

One person literally tried to tell me to fix the US healthcare system with a health economics degree.

Sit back for the weekend and think about what paths forward you have — whether suggested by someone in this thread or not. Volunteer with a medical nonprofit or a street medic team this weekend. Or give back in some other way. Do something other than … this.

I was going to study organic chemistry over the weekend but after reading that I can’t force myself to be good at science, I’ll just lay in bed and sleep the weekend away.

@LionsTigersAndBears Why should I even bothering volunteering in a healthcare setting if I can’t even get into medical school and should just study for my master’s degree in economics lmao? Why waste my weekend helping if it’s pointless lmao

I do not see that this thread is going anywhere constructive, and am closing it for now.


yes, because med school is about hard work and grit more than intelligence. you are clearly competent enough at science and math, and as long as u keep working hard, u should pursue it IF YOU ARE PASSIONATE. a doctor at the bottom of their class is still a doctor, and if you care about people, apply your knowledge on the field/in person with pre-med opportunities. u may need to explain ur gpa, but if u are truly passionate, it will work out.

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What would I need to explain about my GPA?

Now that I have I’d say you will find it challenging to get admitted based only on your GPA. Have you taken the MCAT? Do you have a pre-med advisor? Are you considering taking a few years between school and applying to med school?

I haven’t even finished my science pre-requisites, FYI. And my cGPA is a 3.79 :slightly_smiling_face:

If you want to be a doctor you should pursue it to the best of your ability. And you should have a plan B as well. You may change your mind. I had a number of pre-med friends and most ended up in different careers. Some in healthcare but most abandoned it all together.

Well, why should I pursue it if my GPA is so terrible???

Because it sounds like you have time to improve it. I strongly suggest you meet with your pre-med advisor. They’ll have a much better idea of your potential in the context of your school, grades, courses, ECs etc….

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My apologies, but my main takeaways were that I should not go to medical school and just do an MBA/MPH/MHA or a master’s in economics?

You know what? I was so salty at first but I realized that I don’t need Internet people to tell me what I can and can’t do.

I plan to use this thread as motivation out of spite and to laugh at all of you when I get into med school in 2026-27, my “low science GPA” be damned :slight_smile:

Wow. OP created a sock puppet to troII. It sounds like they are really not interested in anything users are trying to say to assist.

Merging responses from duplicate thread, but upon review, I’m keeping the thread closed as the conversation is circular and unproductive and is consuming far too much moderator time. I ask that no further posts be flagged; I have already spent more time than this topic warrants. I wish the OP well