How do I know which college is better?

So how would I exactly know which college is better in nursing? For example which Florida schools are the best? UF, FSU, FGCU, USF, UCF?

Look up the NCLEX pass rates for each school.

Look at their curriculum. Many are laid out for you. We compiled them and my daughter partially based her decision based on what classes she took when. Most have you take AP I & II, Microbiology, one or two semesters of Chemistry, Statistics, and Psychology. Some have you finish these before you take Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics, some have you take them concurrently. My daughter likes how her program has them laid out.

In any case, you don’t need to pick a college until May 1st (except some universities require you to accept an admission by circa Dec. 1st in order to keep your place in the nursing program). An applicant needs to apply to a range of colleges, and your goal is to have some good choices. You need a range of applications not only to make sure you are admitted, but also so you compare net prices after financial aid. You may find that you save $10,000 or more a year by spending an extra $50 on another application, if that additional application results in a better aid offer.

Your preferences in what type of college and town you prefer may change as you learn more about colleges and programs, so you should start with a variety of applications.

After you are accepted, each college will invite you to accepted student programs, which are much more informative than the standard admissions tour. At those types of events, most nursing programs will offer their own tours and info sessions. Many students make their decisions after attending those admitted student events.

In other words, apply to all of the in-state public nursing programs (and some other choices as you consider appropriate and affordable), and hope you have a luxury of choosing between them later.