How do I look for the Class of 2012?

<p>I love USC, and I really want to go there next year. Do I have a shot?</p>

Private Jesuit School ( all boys)
3.81 unweighted GPA/ 3.98 weighted
School does not rank
Freshman year- no honors/ no Aps
Sophmore- 3 honors/ no APs
J unior- 1 honors/ 2 Aps
Senior- no honors/ 5 Aps
SAT- 670,620,620------1910 overall
Our school does really well with USC

Football- freshman, sophomore, senior
Baseball- frosh, soph, junior, senior
Volleyball- soph, junior, senior
Golf- AJGA member 9-12</p>

<p>Other Clubs and such
Best Buddies
National Honors Society
Pets Help
Block Club
Environmental club
Little League Umpire
Challenger Baseball
Official little league volunteer
Various Sports Awards</p>

<p>How do I look?</p>

<p>It's hard to tell. Some with your stats have gotten in, some haven't. Check the latest "Official Decisions..." thread to compare your stats. And be sure to knock out some great essays showing your passions.</p>

<p>Make sure your essays kick major ass. And, I know they say interviews don't help like at all, but I did the interview with the admissions representative. I honestly think it helped. It was the only time where I could really convey how badly I really wanted to go to USC. </p>

<p>You should probably take the SAT again. They superscore all your tests, so it can only help.</p>

<p>test scores are weak, retake</p>