<p>live in california
major: CS or engineering</p>
<p>1870 sat (720m, 620w, 530r)
760 french 700 math2c
4.0 UC gpa</p>
<p>eagle scout
boy scouts
jv tennis
academic letter
CSF goldseal bearer
academic decathlon
<p>great essays</p>
<p>please rate my chance as …0%, 25%, 50% or 75% (or in between) of getting in to UCSD</p>
<p>I'd say you're in. But I duno about your SATI score. I duno much about hte new ones and wht's "good"</p>
July 14, 2005, 12:27am
<p>you have a 4.0... your in</p>
<p>really???? wow! for engineering/cs as well?</p>
<p>yeah, i got a 1150 and i got into computer engineering :), you have better ec's. I only joined clubs my senior year but 4 years of football. But i had a good gpa. 3.95 unweighted. I think uc gpa was like 4.25 or something like that. Your Essays are Crucial though.</p>
<p>do you think you got in because of football?</p>
<p>You need to get that SAT I score up and then you're in for sure. Search around for the formula for acceptance though.</p>
<p>I think if you get that 530r up you have a good chance...75%.</p>