How do people's SAT scores compare to PSAT scores???

<p>i'm really worried b/c my psat score was horribleeee. CR: 660; M: 750; W: 690
... am i totally screwed or is it true that SAT scores are usually higher than PSAT scores??
i studied a bit (did some practice tests; read through a grammar book) before the PSAT....
none of my friends studied and all their scores (at least CR and W) were wayy better.</p>

<p>also, a question about CR. on the official practice psat test, i got a 800 on cr (1 question wrong)... and also i got a bunch of 800s on the practice tests i did. but i also got a bunch of 600s... why does my score fluctuate soo fricking much???!! any suggestions??</p>

<p>First, your PSAT score is NOT horrible; it’s actually pretty good. Second, most people’s SAT scores tend to be higher than their PSAT score.</p>

<p>Not that far off (186 [PSAT], 1950 [SAT])</p>

<p>And that is NOT a horrible PSAT score >_></p>

<p>Sophomore year: 190
Junior year: 226
Real SAT (took once in June of junior year): 2320</p>

<p>If you study hard, and exert yourself, you not only can, but will, get a good score.</p>

<p>A person generally scores higher on the SAT than on the PSAT, but that’s because people take the SAT several months after the PSAT–not because a 210 PSAT score correlates to something higher than a 2100 SAT score. </p>



<p>Life is haaaaard</p>

<p>I did about 210 points better on the SAT, and I took it only two months after the PSAT. There is some luck involved, but it shouldn’t be significant enough to cause fluctuations from the 600s to 800. Maybe you take some practice sections when you’re more tired or something?</p>

<p>PSAT 171 SAT score is around 500 points higher…</p>

<p>I took the PSAT in October and got 80M, 80CR, and 68W. Took the SAT in October and got 760 CR, 780M, and 800W. Total scores similar, but distributions radically different.</p>

<p>SAT score generally tend to be higher, there are less questions on the PSAT and thus the curve is harsher. I got 231 (74 CR 80 M 77W)on my junior psat (190 sophomore year). I took SAT in December and got 2360 (790 CR, 770 M, 800W). Plus your psat score is not horrible.</p>

<p>Soph PSAT: 202
Junior PSAT: 206
Junior SAT (two months after PSAT): 2240.</p>