How do they look at SATIIs

<p>How does Cornell look at Subject Test scores?</p>

<p>I have taken 3 subject tests, but only 2 of them are good.
Will they just look at my top 2 scores? Or will they consider all three?</p>


<p>That depends on the college.
For example, if you apply to engineering, have one math, one science and one history SAT subject test - they’ll take into account math + science the most.
For A & S, they’ll probably take all 3 into account.</p>

<p>Are you sure? because my third score is terrible.
600 on Lit</p>

<p>Well, what college are you applying to and how are your other two scores?</p>

<p>I’m applying to Arts and Science
I have a 760 in MathII and US Hsitory</p>