<p>I'm applying to Arts and Science and how do they look at the SATIIs.
I have a terrible score of 560 on Lit, but I have 760 in both MathII and US History.
Will they just look at my top 2 scores or will they look at all including my 560.</p>
<p>Adcoms say they will look at top 2. However, just always remember that adcoms are human, and they ALWAYS take into account your third, worst score. Don’t believe them when they say they’ll ignore it - they are human.</p>
<p>Is this 560 going to kill me?</p>
<p>It’s gonna hurt for sure, but how much…well what are you majoring in? if it’s a humanities major the 560 is gonna hurt a lot.</p>
<p>What about a social science major.</p>
<p>Put it bluntly: Yes it would hurt more than other science majors. Social sciences are History/Econ/Law/Politics - these are all reading based majors.</p>
<p>However, be happy that you are not majoring in English.</p>
<p>But who knows, maybe they have an automated program that automatically removes all scores other than the two highest?</p>
<p>No, I highly doubt that, just as much as I doubt they don’t consider your writing score. I mean, they probably glance at it to check if it’s 300 or so points away from your other two, because that’s only human.</p>