how do u get used too...

<p>not being home when ur sick...</p>

<p>i was just diagnosed with throat infection and swollen tonsils and im in severe pain...and all i can think is y did i choose the college thousands of miles away? WHY?</p>

<p>i don't have a close relationship w/ my parents but i always enjoyed the extra attention and company i got from my parents i have a strong bond w/ them when it comes to being sick b/c of the fact i had 2 brain surgeries</p>

<p>b4 u ask i have great friends and the sweetest bf but all i want is my mum i called my mum crying 2 hours ago
im on antibiotics and i get sick a lot and i live faraway from them so going home is not an option b/c i would wanna go home all the time atleast once a month from now till end of next semester(my nasty sickness season always getting sick)</p>

<p>please tell me things get easier PLEASE im being tortured so happy here but all i wanna do is curl up and die b/c im sick im never homesick</p>

<p>If it makes you feel any better, my youngest is sick again at college and I'm sure he feels the same way. His throat is on fire, can't eat because nothing in the dining hall seems to stay in his stomach for more than 30 minutes, and has a fever (and his dorm doesn't have any vending machines so he's having a hard time staying hydrated). This semester, he had a very bad cold that lasted 2 weeks, had an upper respiratory infection that required antibiotics, and currently has a throat infection with a high fever. This is the same kid that has only needed antibiotics 3 times in the first 18 years of his life. </p>

<p>It's very difficult being sick and not being home in your own bed--especially when you have to share a room with 2 other people. When you feel down, remember that there are plenty of other kids at your school feeling the same way. The only advice I have for you is the typical Mom advice--chin up, keep up with your work, drink lots of fluids, try to eat, sleep whenever possible, get some fresh air, and before you know it--Thanksgiving will be here and you can go home and relax for a couple of days.</p>

<p>Hope you feel better soon.</p>

<p>aww there's not much I can say to comfort you - if you live thousands of miles away and aren't loaded, going home regularly can't be an option</p>

<p>the weekends coming up - don't even think of going out...put on your most comfy sweats and keep warm n toasty and just lie in your bed, watch your favorite movie, chill out with a book/magazine, get lots of rest and keep hydrated. Call your family regularly, and get your sweet bf/friends to come over and comfort you.</p>

<p>It's not only hard as a student to get used to being sick at's hard as a parent to have your child feeling sick so far away! The first time my son got sick in college I was "OMG, who is going to take care of him!" But he managed with the help of his roommate going and getting him liquids and sleeping a lot. I sent him to school with emergen-C, a vitamin cold remedy, so he had that on hand. As others have said, get lots of sleep, hydrate and let the people around you help you with what you need. This too shall pass! Feel better!</p>

<p>urghh....ty for the advice the antibiotics are kicking in but i know plenty of ppl going home this weekend and they live right near me so its kinda a downer and everyones been going home it kinda sucks and these people r from the northeast</p>

<p>Ask if you can ride with them.</p>

<p>they're flying fl-ny would b an awfully long drive especially for a weekend...nysmile im guessing ur from ny from the name...i was born and raised on long island im just relaxing right now going to do some hw...</p>

<p>This might sound harsh, but sometimes the most liberating thing in these kinds of situations is taking care of yourself. The magic of going to college for me was having the ability to take care of my own problems. I know what you mean, though, my mother was always the one to coo over me when I was sick, but now that I'm at school, I feel empowered when I decide not to let a cold affect me. Nothing makes me feel more adult than going into a Walgreens and getting my own OTC meds or whatever. Think about it, maybe I'm just a geek and intoxicated by my newfound independence, but having your very own bottle of Tylenol to ration to yourself can be an interesting concept.</p>

<p>Yeah, the first time I got sick at college sucked. I'm not much like you, in that I had my parents taking care of me. But it's always really loud in a college dorm, and at home, you have your dogs that will lay on your bed with you while your sick....dogs are always a calming affect lol.</p>

<p>Look on the bright side with all the people leaving for the weekend- the dorm is quiet so you can actually rest and sleep!</p>

<p>Live on Eastern Long Island–I hope you feel better. I called my S (freshman) today to follow-up on his recovery. He went to the health center yesterday and they banned him from classes yesterday and today (gave him a note to give to professors). They gave him Z-pak antibiotics and they asked him to follow-up with them today. He went back to the health center and they said that it looked as though the infection is getting better (he said that his throat still hurts bad but at least the fever is gone). Tomorrow he can go back to class but the health center wants to check him again. I think he’s getting better but he’s sick of being sick in the dorm. </p>

<p>Keep in mind that some of your homesickness is due to just feeling crappy from being sick. Once you start to feel better physically, you’ll start to feel better emotionally too. For now, concentrate on getting healthy and keeping up with your assignments. With the weekend almost here, maybe you can arrange to go to a movie or to a mall with a couple of friends. A change of scenery might bring up your spirits.</p>

<p>We are also from Long Island and son in school in Florida. It’s not easy to be so far away. Thanksgiving is right around the corner…something to look forward to.</p>

<p>I will never forget the first time I was sick in college and just squalling. I <em>hated</em> being sick away from home. </p>

<p>There is nothing wrong with feeling like that – this is the first time you’ve been on your own, needed to be taken care of, and there’s no one there. It’s tough. I’m sure your mom would tell you to call as often as you like to whine and get “loved-on”. That’s what I told my ds when he was sick :-)</p>

<p>It does get better! You won’t always be sick. You will always have times you want your mama - I still do sometimes and I’m in my mid-40s <lol> but on the whole, you’ll get your feet under you and be completely able to cope on your own.</lol></p>


<p>Huguenot Mom</p>

<p>i cannot believe im writing this but im sick again(got better w/ antibiotics within a couple of days)…but im not sure what i have im worried w/ my history of brain surgeries with such a serious headache my whole shunt side of my head and down my neck was so in pain…i go home in 2 Days and im worried about making the flight home now all i want is too be home and i don’t think i can make it</p>

<p>I would go back to dr locally as a follow-up since you had been on antibiotics recently… I would also be concerned with flying with severe headache without talking to a dr first. Do you have a friend that can assist you in getting to dr and/or assist you with getting to your flight home in a couple of days? Having someone help might alleviate some of the anxiety that you are feeling.</p>


<p>I’m with hovermom – get someone to commit to help you the next couple of days. Either get to a doc locally asap or as soon as you get home if it’s too late. I’m hoping you will soon be well!!!</p>

<p>im feeling better just drowsy i think i had an allergy attack…ive been having severe allergies on top of the throat infection…my sinuses were all clogged up…i leave tommorow…my bf is helping me get too the airport…im excited its my first time home since september 4th my friends and family r excited</p>

<p>OMG i just got sick but eating KFC. I went to the bathroom 20+ times in the 36 hours since. I also had to take a midterm the morning after my eating the KFC for dinner the night before. After the midterm I stayed in my room and slept and rested. I missed discussion for math and unfortunately i missed the quiz. Which luckily my teacher would let me turn in the HW to make up for it. </p>

<p>But for me, I get to go home. I hope you feel better.</p>