how do use ti-89 program

someone help me with programs with ti-89. I ve been trying for an hour and i dont no how to use a program for ti-89. can anyone im me. danhyoo

<p>If the program is already in there (and the calculator works like a TI-83 Plus - I know that the two are very similiar), it should work like a TI-83 plus program. Go the the applications button, and press it. Click on the name of the program you want to use, and it should start. The program should begin working and asking you questions of information that it needs to work (unless there is a flaw with the coding).</p>

<p>hmm its not there. I think I downloaded the program incorrectly. I have a TI-89 Titanium. I used the TI- Connect. Device Explorer. and dragged the program into TI-89 Titanium. Now what?</p>

<p>press "2nd" and "Minus"...that should get you into the Var-Link menu</p>

<p>then scroll down to the program you want to use, it should be in a list of things...once you find it, hit "enter"</p>

<p>now it should appear like: "Program( " on ur input you just close the parenthesis by hitting ")" and press enter.</p>

<p>now the program should run.</p>