How do we activate our U-Pass?

<p>So during orientation we received our husky cards/U-PASS. When do we pay the fee? I don't remember what they said about it was it that we already payed for it with our admission fee? I was just a little confused because on the My UW page it says my U-Pass account is not active.</p>

<p>When you pay tuition for the quarter.</p>

<p>Are you a new student for winter? Or did you also attend in the fall?</p>

<p>Iā€™m a transfer student accepted winter quarter and thanks!</p>

<p>Initial activation for new U-PASS members</p>

<p>Unlike the old U-PASS sticker, your new U-PASS needs to be activated after you purchase it. Activation takes three easy steps:</p>

To participate in the U-PASS program, you first purchase U-PASS membership at the campus where your primary work or academic major is based.

You must wait 24 to 48 hours after purchase before you can use your U-PASS on transit. U-PASS activation for transit is uploaded onto the readers on buses when they are at the base (i.e. not on the road). Train station readers are updated daily.

Tap within 60 days
To finalize the activation of your U-PASS for use on transit, you must use it for transit service within 60 days of purchase. Tapping your card on the ORCA reader updates your chip and finalizes activation of your U-PASS for transit. If you do not tap onto transit within 60 days, your U-PASS will not work for transit fare payment and you will need to request reactivation of your U-PASS transit benefit. An online form to request reactivation is available Here.

<p>Any other question you may have about upass: <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>Getting to UW | Transportation Services;