How do we found out about 3Q?

<p>I apologize in advance if this information is in another thread, but I was wondering if anyone could tell us how to find out if my son is 3Q? He received a letter a while back stating that he was academically qualified. We also got a letter from Dodmerb that said he was medically qualified for USNA, West Point and NROTC. Is that the medical qualification? He took the CFA and thinks his scores were reasonably acceptable based on the averages he has seen but we haven't heard anything back on that. Thanks!</p>

<p>Likely, he is 3 Q’d…you KNOW he is 2 Q’d. Often, if a candidate is otherwise qualified and their CFA scores are somewhat low, the academy will contact them and suggest they re-take. Since they haven’t contacted you, likely he is indeed 3 Q’d.</p>

<p>For a definitive answer, work your way up the chain, BGO, Regional Admissions Director, Admissions Office. A quick call to Admissions will get you the answer. Oh, be sure the candidate is doing the calling!</p>

<p>To be triple qualified - a candidate has been found QUALIFIED in
Academic (includes Whole Person evaluation, including CFA)
Medical (results of the DoDMERB examination)</p>

<p>AND …finally -

<p>No nomination - no offer of appointment! A Nomination, from either a Member of Congress (MOC), Vice President, or Presidential (a parent served in the military for a qualifying period of time…) is essential to get into a service academy.</p>


<p>I am under the impression that 3 Q’d means qualified scholastically (academics plus ECA’s essentially equalling the Whole Person Score or Whole Candidate Score), physically (CFA) and medically (DoDMERB). A candidate must be 3 Q’d and have a nomination to be considered for appointment. </p>

<p>My information comes from Admissions Office and BGO.</p>

<p>Mike, what you’re saying is not quite accurate.</p>

<p>To be triple qualified a candidate must be qualified:

  1. Medically (DODMERB)
  2. Physically (CFA)
  3. Scholastically (everything else)</p>

<p>Being triple qualified has nothing to do with nominations.</p>

<p>EDIT: haha, rangelady and I posted almost the same thing at the same time.</p>

<p>Not quite, Roman. I beat ya by a minute!!</p>

<p>The only “Q” that my son got confirmation about was medical. A letter arrived in early October telling him that he was medically qualified, the status changed also. The CFA scores were submitted - I suppose that they were passing scores; I never saw them.
He submitted all of the items for the scholastic qualified part. That never appeared on his status, either. Last week, his appt package arrived. The status changed to US NAVAL ACADEMY and the date on the DODMERB. So, you may not ever get confirmation that you are 3 Q’d. They work in mysterious ways! Keep the faith!</p>