<p>If I take the SAT II on Dec 1, and finish the test, do I just fill out a form afterwards to cancel it? Do they provide the cancellation forms at the test center? Is that all I need to do? </p>
<p>I can still take the test though right? No signs of me signing up/taking the test will show on my record? Thanks :)</p>
<p>A student who feels that she did not do her best on a SAT Subject Test can cancel scores on the test through the Wednesday following the test. Once a request to cancel scores has been submitted, scores cannot be reinstated and will not be reported to the student or any institutions. Subject Test scores for all Subject Tests taken on that date will be canceled.</p>
<p>Canceling scores at the test center</p>
<p>If a student begins taking a test and decides that she is not ready for it, she can cancel the test scores before leaving the test center. Students should not try to erase all answers to a test. Although erasure of all answers is interpreted as a request to cancel scores, if the scanning equipment reads some of the answers, the test scores may not be canceled.</p>
<p>To cancel a score at the test center, a student:</p>
<pre><code>* Asks the test supervisor for a Request to Cancel Test Scores Form
* Completes and signs the form before leaving the test center
* Returns form to the test supervisor before leaving the center
<p>Canceling scores because of equipment failure</p>
<p>If equipment fails during a Mathematics Level 1 or Mathematics Level 2 test or during a Language Test with Listening, a student can request to cancel just the scores on the affected test, and still have the other Subject Tests scored.</p>
<p>If students' equipment malfunctions, they must:</p>
<pre><code>* Report the equipment failure during the test
* Fill out and sign a Request to Cancel Test Scores form, checking off "Single Subject Test Equipment Failure"
* Return the completed form to room supervisor before leaving
<p>Canceling scores after leaving the test center</p>
<p>A student may decide to cancel her scores after leaving the test center. We must receive the request to cancel scores in writing no later than 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on the Wednesday after the test date. Students cannot submit cancellation requests by phone or email—their signature is required.</p>
<p>Students must provide the following information:</p>
<pre><code>* Test date
* Test center number
* Name of test they are canceling: SAT Subject Test or SAT Reasoning Test
* Name, address, sex, birth date, social security number (optional), and registration number
* Signature (required or the cancellation will not be processed)
<p>The request should be labeled: "Attention: SAT Score Cancellation" and should be sent by:</p>
<pre><code>* Fax: (610) 290-8978
* Overnight delivery via U.S. Postal Service Express Mail (U.S. only) to:
SAT Score Cancellation
P.O. Box 6228
Princeton, NJ 08541-6228
* Other overnight mail service or courier (U.S. or international):
SAT Score Cancellation
225 Phillips Boulevard
Ewing, NJ 08618
<p>Thanks Andrea, so if you fill out the cancel form at the test center or using any other valid way, no sign of you taking the test or your score will show you anywhere?</p>