<p>I don't think I have any assets, and I'm not sure what to put for "Source of Support". I mean obviously my parents expect that they'll have to pay something, but I'm not sure how much they'll be able to given that we're about to blow 2K on college apps alone this year...plus they're planning quite a few expensive trips halfway around the world to visit ailling relatives.</p>
<p>So do I put $0 at the risk of seeming incredibly stingy, or do I put like $2000-5000 which still seems stingy? What do they expect? Like $30,000 or something?</p>
<p>And then do we also have to submit the CSS college board profile and FAFSA by Nov 3rd as well, or can we wait to do that later?</p>
<p>Q: I am applying Early Action to Admissions, what if I miss the November 1st deadline for financial aid? </p>
<p>A: The November 1st deadline for financial aid ensures that the family of an admitted student will receive an estimate of financial aid eligibility sometime in December or early January. EA students who do not submit an application for financial aid by Nov 1st are still able to apply for aid. Keep in mind that you will need to accept/decline your offer of admission by May 1st. If you are dependent upon financial aid in order to attend the College, you will want to submit your financial aid application materials as soon as possible.</p>
<p>We figured out a number that wasn’t laughable and that was something we realistically expected to be able to manage without borrowing. It was less than our Profile EFC, did not include home equity, and accounted for ongoing high medical expenses. There was a CC discussion last year of why Chicago asked this question, and we figured it was for chuckles and grins (and maybe a touch of a reality check).</p>
<p>I wondered whether the FAQ was written in a year when 11/1 was not on a Saturday. You’re right, though, that elsewhere the date for submission of financial information (CSS, 2007 Income Tax, Chicago Aid Form) is given as 11/3.</p>