<p>I'm having a bit of trouble with my UC essays. For the life of me, I can't seem to write anything decent that hits under the word limit.</p>
<p>This has always been a huge weakness of mine. In elementary school when we had to write "short" stories, mine was 30 pages long. In middle school, we had an assignment where every week in English class, you had to write a short summary of 100 pages of a book you were reading on your own time. My summaries were always the longest (1,000+ words), and my teacher was so annoyed at me, she added a line to the top of the sheets she passed out to the class which said "no more than 250 words" (in an obvious reference to me). Time and time again, I've stayed up late struggling to cut my assignments down to a certain page limit. When I can't, I cheat by slightly adjusting the margins.</p>
<p>I just can't seem to summarize. I like writing long things. I don't do it because I * want * to, I do it because I can't seem help it. Once I get started, I just have to get everything out or else I won't feel satisfied. Hitting a page requirement has never been a problem for me. All of my best ideas are expressed in long writing, and I just can't seem to write anything decent in a short word limit, because I end up looking at my essay and feeling disappointed and unhappy with how I couldn't really delve in to things. </p>
<p>What are some techniques and strategies for writing under the word limit? This has been a major problem my entire life, and I have to figure something out. I'm thinking of scrapping my essay rough drafts and starting over, because trimming doesn't seem to work for me. </p>