<p>Jw how do you guys know what your rec.s are like. </p>
<p>I see all kinds of stuff about people knowing their Recs.... Isn't it supposed to be confidential... I mean that's why the teachers sign it on the flap...</p>
<p>Jw how do you guys know what your rec.s are like. </p>
<p>I see all kinds of stuff about people knowing their Recs.... Isn't it supposed to be confidential... I mean that's why the teachers sign it on the flap...</p>
<p>Well, I only saw one, all my teachers mailed their recs directly to the schools. My personal recommender was really nice and decided to show her rec, but it probably had something to do with it being a glowing rec =) I wasn’t expecting her to show me it or anything.</p>
<p>Well thing is it does not have to be mailed directly. They actually prefer everything coming together I just find it funny how you can actually write a Rec. knowing your student may read it… Just my take.</p>
<p>that’s why they give the teacher an envelope to seal it</p>
<p>People clearly don’t listen and read it and then seal it…</p>
<p>Oh well when a straight “c” student gets stellar rec they will know something is wrong.</p>
<p>I didn’t see any of my teacher recs, but my extra-curricular showed me what she wrote, but not the chart thing-y. She told me that she knew that she didn’t have to, but she wanted me to see anyway and she didn’t think of showing it to me while she wrote it, so it had no effect…</p>
<p>This year, the teachers all sent off the recommendations directly to the schools.</p>
<p>In the past, though, one recommendation writer provided us with a separate copy of the recommendation she had written. </p>
<p>By the way, it’s perfectly possible for a student with Cs to receive a glowing recommendation. Some children are wonderful people, but not outstanding students. If the school only wanted to know a child’s academic potential, they wouldn’t need recommendations.</p>
<p>Last year, i thought i was applying, and then I didn’t.,… My personal rec gave me it for kicks and giggles. It was an awesome rec, too.</p>
<p>The kids are just guessing their teachers like them, and are assuming they will get good recs.</p>
<p>The kids want a self esteem boost so if they post on a chance thread that their recs are good, it will make people believe them. then, when the blind lead the blind they will just say that they have a good chance because they dont know any better…</p>
<p>chance threads should not even be allowed.</p>
<p>Haha, I just reread last year’s recommendation that I never sent… It’s such a feel-good rec.</p>
<p>We gave stamped envelopes with rec sheets to the school, so we never saw anything. But report card comments are always excellent so we anticipate the same.</p>
<p>Fellow Hockey Mom,
Where is your son applying to?</p>
<p>I think that teachers are going to go easy on you in the recs. they are not going to put major “!!!” at all of your faults. they want you to get into the school (even if they hate you, its the right thing to do) my english teacher put on my comments that I got a D on my paper, I don’t know how likely it is that she put that in my rec. I’m not saying they are going to lie just so you can get in, but I think teachers will soften certain things to your advantage</p>
<p>I didn’t see the recs that REALLY matter (from my old school), but I assume that they were great because I loved my teachers and they love me.
I hate chancing too (ohmygod did I just agree with SENAY, of all people???), as you will see on other posts I have made. I don’t care to go into the details of WHY, just find those other posts.</p>
<p>my teachers are prepared for recomendations becz theres always 3 or 4 kids who are prodigies compare to the rest of the school and usually go to this place called Hopkins(in connecticut) , so my teachers gave me a sheet to fill in with pretty much the exact same question, then they fill in the regular teacher reccomendation sheet that are from the schools and then they each write a hand written page essay about me. its a good system… the actual form was filled out pretty nicely considering i gave them the ideas that i wanted on the form, and then a whole page extra all about me is really a good after touch that hopefully is that little extra push.</p>
<p>wait, you actually INFLUENCED your recs?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
have you no honor?</p>
<p>Wow… That is an epic fail… Is there a disconnect between our generation, honor, and entitlement?</p>
<p>i wouldnt do it if its my choice. when you ask for a teacher recommendation they give me a sheet and i just fill it out and hand it in, they dont really know what different schools are looking for. the page long extra typing is usually a very sincere letter though and i feel it really shows me, not just some generic form</p>