How does appeal work?

<p>my friend didn’t get into berkeley, got into all the other UC’s, he has fairly competitive stats, good ec’s…he’s trying to appeal, anyone know how the process works?</p>

<p>It's long and difficult and having great ECs and new awards won't work. You need to make a very significant contribution to your applications. For example, my friend who was rejected from UCLA didn't mention that he is disabled, suffered numerous operations from his genetic disorder, and woke up screaming several times after surgery. He was promised he could walk after the surgery, but the surgery made it worse and now he's in a wheelchair. He didn't mention it because he is prideful, but now that he really wants to go to LA, he's using it.</p>

<p>But if your friend still wants to appeal, he needs to write an appeal letter. I'm unsure if he needs an advocate or not.</p>