How does one go about becoming The Trojan Warrior?

<p>The semi-mascot position. Is it an appointed position, or is it a tryout?</p>

<p>Because I think I'm a better looking guy than the dude right now... Haha.</p>

<p>No, I just want to ride Traveler. It's now one of my goals if I go to USC...</p>

<p>Or am I confused and the guy who rides Traveler and the Trojan Warrior who marches with the band two separate people?</p>

<p>Anyway, it's because I'm watching the Thanksgiving Day Parade and I remember how fun it is to be in a parade (I live in New Orleans). I've always wanted to be a mascot, too.</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>The mascot is actually the horse, Traveler, not the rider.</p>

<p>The rider, dressed like a Trojan Warrior, is not the same one who marches with the band.</p>

<p>For more info, go to the Traveler Official Website. You can email the advisor and owner.
[Traveler</a> - Official Website](<a href=“]Traveler”></p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to you!</p>

<p>Yeah the first thing anyone says is “Traveler’s the mascot!” which is why I called The Trojan Warrior the semi-mascot.</p>

<p>So is the one that marches with the band the drum major (I know nothing about marching bands) or just some dude?</p>

<p>And the rider guy retired (in 05), and I guess whoever rides Traveler is the actual owner.</p>

<p>Regardless, I want my own set of Trojan armor just because… But it’d be a plus if I could swing a sword around.</p>

<p>oo a band question! that’s a first around here.</p>

<p>the guy who marches with the band is our Drum Major. he is very much so a different person than the Trojan Warrior who rides Traveler VII.</p>

<p>as for the Trojan Warrior, it’s the same guy as last year, I know that much at least. And from what I can tell, I don’t think it’s something you try out for, nor is the rider a member of our student body.</p>

<p>No! My hopes are dashed… All well.</p>

<p>If you get in write the owner and tell him why you should be the dude who rides. You never know unless you try.</p>