How does the transfer student thing work?

<p>I'm a high school senior and I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about the options I have in case I either:
a) don't get into any of my Arch programs
b) don't get into the ones I want to attend the most
c) get cold feet and decide to go to an LAC</p>

<p>What I'm hoping will happen is that I'll get into one of my safeties for Arch and then if I really don't like it there I can always transfer after freshman/sophomore year. Can anybody shed some light as to how hard it is to transfer credits in that sort of situation? </p>

<p>Also, if I do decide to go to an LAC, if I take core classes like the math/physics and some art/design courses would I be able to transfer some of these credits over? In both cases, LAC --> Arch/Arch --> Arch, would I have to start fresh from the 1st year or does this highly depend on specifics like where I want to transfer, where I'm transferring from and what classes I take?</p>

<p>I just want to see what options I have open. Of course there's always the MArch I can look into it generally difficult for someone who got an undergrad degree in something irrelevant to arch to jump ship and suddenly decide they want to be an architect?</p>

<p>Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>My MArch program was about half people with undergrad majors in something completely different. Journalism, photography, history and lit, someone who’d been in the restaurant business… If you think architecture might be in your future take some studio art, a lab physics course and calculus, that should give you enough background for nearly any MArch 1 program.</p>

<p>if this is for undergraduate-- it depends completely on the programs which you want to transfer into— I know at Cooper-- people in 4th year in another arch program have gone into 2nd year and someone who had already went to arch school was put in 1st, so it really depends— btw Cooper Union is crazy when it comes to transfer credit-- I think all other schools are much better</p>

<p>Undergrad BArch programs have five years of arch classes and five years of arch studio, so as a transfer from a non-arch major you can bring in core and electives but will still need to work in five years of arch. </p>

<p>Good luck with your acceptances! Let us know you decision.</p>

<p>I’m reviving my thread now to update the stats because the transfer info I’m interested in now is solely from one arch program to another.</p>

<p>The basic rundown is that I may not be able to go to my first choice school (USC) out of my offers right off the bat due to costs. I’m waiting to hear from my absolute first choice (Rice) after being waitlisted. </p>

<p>So now my question is what the procedures with transferring credits are like when you go from one arch school to another. Assuming I don’t make it off the waitlist at Rice, which is probably what’s going to happen, I would still be interested in trying to transfer there in the near future. Are transfer students usually able to receive enough credit for courses they’ve already completed? If I transfer for my 2nd or 3rd year, would I be able to continue on and get my degree in the 5 yrs or would it take 6? Is it too hard to tell?</p>

<p>Thanks for any input. :)</p>

<p>If you’ve made the waitlist that means they would like to have you if they have space. Have you done anything to let them know how interested you still are? As to transfer credits, you could look at the curriculum for Rice arch and see how it compares to what you have taken, but only the arch dept at Rice can tell you for certain.</p>

<p>Yea, I’ve accepted my spot on the waitlist and I sent an email with an update with recent accomplishments from January and onwards. Then I stressed that Rice is my absolute first choice so hopefully that will help even the slightest bit…
Thanks for the advice, I’ll have a look into that.</p>