How easy is it to get into a Special Living Option?

<p>I am a rising senior that probably will be attending UP. My primary concern has to do with the dorm situation. I absolutely do not want to be stuck in a tiny dorm in East for the first year or two. I know this sounds really spoiled, but I simply wouldn't do it. Therefore, I have been looking into some of the other dorms and a few of the SLOs look like they would allow me to have a bigger/quieter room. Specifically, the business SLO (I forget exactly what it is called). I believe it is in North (or maybe West), which has suite style dorms that look pretty good. How easy is it to get into this SLO? I am more interested in the better room than anything else, but I will be a business major, so it would be a good fit. So I suppose my question is more aptly, how easy is it to get a larger/quieter/non-East dorm my freshman year? Are dorm requests typically honored by the housing office? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any input!</p>

10 char</p>