How easy is to to transfer to USC

<p>I'm a high school senior, and have been admitted to both duke and USC. I think I want to do industrial engineering, which duke does not offer, and am thus leaning towards usc. however, is this was not a factor, I would choose duke. How easy would it be for me to bail on duke if I didn't like it and wanted to come back and give IE a shot. I'm afraid to make my college decision based upon what i think my major will be, but I'm afraid I won't like mechanical.</p>

<p>USC takes around 25% of transfers and gets a lot of applicants. However, if you've been admitted as a freshman and would be transferring from Duke I don't think you'd have any problem. It would be quite a bit harder to go from USC to Duke.</p>

<p>However, if you recieved scholarship money, you will forfeit that scholarship if you choose not to attend USC as a freshman. The school does not award scholarships to transfers.</p>

<p>Although I'm not an engineering student, I know a number of IE students, and all of them really love the IE program here - it's a program that many schools simply don't offer.</p>

<p>wow, this was my exact situation (except i was civil). i went to Duke, now im transferring to USC. i was kind of disappointed by the civil engineering, mainly because it's so small at Duke. you may or may not have a similar experience with mechanical</p>