How good is the Notre Dame Biology program when compared to other schools such as UT or A&M? From looking at the rankings, Notre Dame isn’t among the top biology programs.
If you are looking at graduate rankings, that’s helpful but indirect at best and can limit your view of how to assess the university’s undergraduate academic program. One way to better understand the undergraduate biology major at UND is to look at what they are doing after college. Med School? Research? Industry? PhD program? If those outcomes are consistent with your goals, you probably have nothing to worry about.
I’m a freshman bio major at ND and while I don’t have very much experience with the program yet I have not regretted my decision to come here. They just redesigned the freshman bio classes so there’s been some trial and error with that this year but it hasn’t been too bad. ND is a very undergraduate focused institution so it is (relatively) easy for undergrads to get into research labs on campus, from what I’ve seen. I’ve been to several info sessions about research and summer programs as well. ND also has a very high med school acceptance rate, if that’s what you’re looking for. And honestly the value of the Notre Dame name alone is very attractive to employers.