How good is the math curriculum at your high school?

<p>@oxy - just because it doesn’t impress you. -___-</p>

<p>9th grade: Adv. Algebra II
10th grade: Adv. Geometry with Trigonometry
11th grade: Adv. Pre-Calculus
12th grade: AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics can be inserted in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.</p>

<p>I’m taking the following set:
9th grade: Adv. Alg. II
10th grade: Adv. Geo. w/ Trig (AB test)
11th grade: AP Cal AB (BC test)
12th grade: AP Stat</p>

<p>We have no decent CCs around for math (the one in town will only let HS students take Cal I D: ).</p>

<p>Route I:</p>

<p>9th: Algebra 1
10th: Geometry
11th: Algebra 2
12: PreCalculus, PreCalculus AB Honors, Statistics, or AP Statistics.</p>

<p>Route II:
9th: Geometry
10th: Algebra 2
11th: PreCalculus, PreCalculus AB Honors.
12th: Calculus, Statistics, or AP Statistics. If you took PreCalc AB, you can take AP Calc AB as a senior.</p>

<p>If you start with Algebra 2 you can take Calculus AB as a senior, and if you start with Algebra 2/Trig Honors you can take Calculus BC as a senior. But you can also opt for AP Computer Science or Advanced Topics instead.</p>

<p>I forgot to take that stupid placement test in school so they stuck me in Algebra I as a freshman. I was ****ed because I had learned everything in my school previously and I wanted to go straight to Geometry. I had the option to take it over the summer but I didn’t care enough about my grades to do it, but now I’m going to take PreCalc over the summer so I can take Calculus and AP Stats together senior year.</p>

<p>There’s my life story for ya. :P</p>

<p>My school is pretty bad :confused: We don’t even offer calc BC in my district</p>

<p>Taking math only through the school:</p>

<p>Path 1 (fastest through the school):
alg. II
precalc/math analysis/AP stats
AP calc AB/AP stats
Path 2:
alg. I
alg II
math analysis or precalc</p>

<p>Theres a program you can do outside the school through the local university that operates at a faster pace, though. You start in either seventh or eighth grade.
It goes like this:
7th grade: alg. I and II
8th grade: geometry and precalc
9th grade: calculus at your high school
8th grade: alg. 1 and 2
9th grade: geometry and precalc
10th grade: calculus at your high school</p>

<p>ours is great!</p>

<p>It offers all Math AP’s and various other math electives for those who want to pursue it more in depth like financial analysis, advanced economics, etc</p>

<p>those who start high school (like me) with Algebra 2 Honors, are elegible to take Vector Calculus and differential equations, taught by a gifted teacher with a math PHD. It is a second year, college level course.</p>

<p>My course:
9th- Algebra 2 Hnors
10th- Precal Honors
11th- BC Calculus
12th- Vector Calculus and AP Stat</p>

<p>Love it!!</p>

<p>Depends on where you start out, but…</p>

Algebra 1A (pre-algebra combined with a bit of algebra)
Geometry 1A (rest of algebra and geometry)
continue in path 3 </p>

Algebra I
either path 3 or 4</p>

<p>Path 3:
Algebra II
Functions, Stats, Trig
Pre-calculus or AP Stats</p>

<p>Path 4:
Algebra II/Trig
AP Calc AB
AP Calc BC
AP Stats can be taken concurrently with Pre-calculus or anytime afterwards</p>

<p>I’m taking:
Alg II Trig
Pre-cal and AP Stats
AP Calc AB</p>

<p>Well at my school this is what the normal route is:</p>

<p>9th grade:Algebra 1
10th grade: Geometry and Algebra 2
11th grade: Pre Cal
12th grade: AP Cal or AP Stats</p>

<p>Route 1:</p>

<p>Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Pre-Calculus or Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry</p>

<p>Route 2:</p>

Algebra 2
Pre-Calculus or Adv. Algebra and Trig
AP Calculus AB or BC</p>

<p>Route 3:</p>

Algebra 2
Calculus 1st sem, Stats 2nd sem</p>

<p>Route 4:
Algebra 2
IB Math Studies 1 SL / IB Mathematics I SL
IB Math Studies 2 SL / IB Mathematics II SL</p>

<p>Intro to Algebra (optional, stupid people)
Algebra I
Intro to Geometry (optional, stupid people)
(Honors) Geometry (honors and regular have almost no difference)
Intro to Algebra II (optional, stupid people)
(Honors) Algebra II (difference is that Honors moves faster and covers like 2 extra units)
(Honors) Pre-Calculus (I’m in honors and the difference is that it sucks)
Calculus or AP Calculus AB/BC</p>

AP Stats
Computer Programming I, II, III, AP Computer Programming
Math Skills for Life</p>


Exactly the same here, except that we don’t have stats.
There is a regents exam in Alg. I, Geometry and Alg. II/Trig.
There are both honors and regular level courses at all levels except for AP Calc.
Your grades in 6th grade can affect your whole high school career because they’re used to place you on either the advanced track or the normal track (same in science).</p>

<p>At my school the normal track is:</p>

<p>7th - Alg
8th - Geo
9th - Alg II
10th - Pre-Cal
11th - AB/BC Calc
12th - Multivariable/Stat</p>

<p>Other did:</p>

<p>7th - Alg
8th - Geo + Alg II
9th - Pre-Cal
10th - AB/BC Calc
11th - Multivariable/Stat
12th - Multivariable/Stat</p>

<p>And two kids in my grade have done:</p>

<p>6th - Alg
7th - Geo + Alg II
8th - Pre-Cal
9th - BC Calc
10th - Multivariable + Stat
11th - Math at UT
12th - Math at UT</p>

<p>And 95% of our BC class gets a 5. >_></p>

<p>EDIT: BC at our school means taking DifEq and Discrete Math with BC at the same time.</p>

<p>The regular track at my high school is:
Algebra 1A-1B 9th grade
Geometry 10th grade
Alg II 11th grade
Trig 12th grade</p>

<p>The ‘accelerated’ track would be Geometry in 9th, Alg II in 10th, Trig 11th, AP Calc AB 12th.</p>

<p>Our math dept probably has 2 or 3 really efficient teachers. Most of the ones I’ve had weren’t the best though. :confused: Our English department makes up for it thankfully</p>

<p>My Track:
6- Pre-Algebra
7- Algebra
8- Geometry and Algebra 2
9- Pre-Calc
10- AP Calc AB
11- AP Calc BC
12- AP Stats, I suppose…</p>

<p>Most Kids:
7- Pre-Algebra
8- Algebra
9- Geometry
10- Algebra II
And… I’m not too familiar with math after that. It’s all a little hazy to me.</p>

6- Pre-Algebra
7- Algebra
8- Geometry
9- Algebra II
10- Pre-Calculus
11- AP Calculus AB or AP Stats
12- AP Calculus BC, AP Calculus AB, or AP Stats</p>

<p>we do the same math as Philips Exeter Academy</p>

<p>My school’s honors track (the top one) goes:
7. Algebra I Honors (Second semester is all Algebra II though)
8. Geometry Honors
9. Algebra II With Trig. Honors
10. Pre-calculus Honors
11. AP Calculus BC
12. Differential Equations and Multivariable Calculus </p>

<p>If you finish all of that early, they start creating math classes for you.</p>

<p>9 - Algebra 1/ Geometry
10 - Algebra 2
11 - PreCal
12 - AP Cal AB</p>

<p>Yea it sucks :confused:
How hard is it to self study BC when you are in AB?</p>

<p>We only offer through Cal I, but we do labs and the teacher exposes us to some basic Cal II stuff. The class is dual credit, and the local university respects her curriculum so much that they count anything from an 87 up as an A. It’s considered the top high school math program in the area, which contains about 35 different high schools.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, she’s retiring this year. Luckily, the teacher hired to replace her is one of her former students who has the same degrees and is qualified to offer the same classes as dual credit.</p>

<p>I attend a STEM school; we have a plethora of math classes. </p>

<p>I’m on the most common track. I hate math, so it really doesn’t bother me.
9th- Integrated Math I
10th- Integrated Math II
11th- Integrated MAth III
12th- Ap Calculus AB</p>

<p>Tracking depends on what courses you challenge (test) out of. I didn’t test out integrated I, though. But those who do usually follow these tracks:</p>

<p>9th- IM II
10th- IM III
11th- Ap Calc AB
12th- AP Calc BC</p>


<p>9th- IM III
10th- AP Calc AB
11th- AP Calc BC
12th- Discrete Math Modeling/Linear Algebra/ Differential Equations/Calculus 3/or AP Stat</p>

9th- Ap Calc AB or BC
10th- Ap Calc BC or AP Stat
11th/12th- Linear Algebra/ Calculus 3/ Discrete Math Modeling/Differential Equations</p>