How hard are CHEM 301, 302 and 204?

<p>How hard are these classes at UT? Any professor recommendations? Should I take them at a community college perhaps?</p>

<p>That depends on things like what kind of background you have, what your major is, and how much you like science.</p>

<p>The favorite professor for 301/302 is Laude, but many of his students say they really don’t learn the material in class and have to teach themselves after the lecture. (This is really going to be true of all the teachers – chemistry isn’t something you’re going to hear once in a 45 minute lecture and then know. You have to put time in outside of class.) Laude has a thick book of notes you can buy in the Welch Hall copy center that helps with his class.</p>

<p>McCord has been teaching 301/302 since the earth cooled. I hear good things about him from good students, but some students say he’s hard. He does curve at the end if grades are low.</p>

<p>I hear good things about Sutcliffe, but don’t know for sure. Can’t say anything about Sparks. Fakhreddine (sp?) gets good reviews.</p>

<p>204 is a lot of work for 2 credits. It’s a 4 hour lab, but expect to spend 2.5 hours in lab and 4-5 hours on the report. Lyon is changing things around and reducing the courseload from what it used to be, but I don’t know how it will be different next year. Lyon used to teach general chem and chem lab at ACC.</p>

<p>301 - I had Sutcliffe, no traditional chem background (last science class was 13 years ago) and I pulled an A. I had A LOT of ground to cover to catch up and be at a similar level to most of the students in my class, so I worked for that A, but it was definitely doable. Most of the people I knew with a decent chem background who were willing to do the work and ask for help when needed ended up with an A/A-.</p>

<p>204 - In it this summer, the work in general isn’t hard, it’s just tedious. Lots of transcribing experiments to your notebook, and then lengthy discussion questions to answer with each lab. I also hate the quiz format (iClicker, can’t change an answer once you’ve entered it) and they count for a lot, so that’s a little frustrating, but overall its not too bad.</p>

<p>302 - taking it in the fall, tune in later for more details ;)</p>

<p>301 and 302 are easy- I have Gondran for 301 (I think thats her first and last semester teaching lol) and Sutcliffe for 302 (she is pretty good). I ended up with an A- in both classes but it requires WORK. Go ask your TAs questions and stay on top of your work. I’m taking 204 in the fall along with OChem so yeah can’t say much about 204 except its alot of busy work.
@sundoll- Can’t you change your answer iClicker answer? I thought you could, at least in all the classes I used my iClicker in…</p>

<p>This iClicker format is much different than any I’ve had in the past (I’m guessing you’re used to Sutcliffe’s that she does for bonus points?). Each quiz has a version numbers, you enter the version number with the clicker, and then have to move through the questions and once you answer a question, that’s it. It’s really annoying - you have to enter AA for an answer of A, AB for B, etc., then a combination of letters to move back and forth between questions. It takes longer to enter the responses with the clicker than it does to answer the questions on paper, and no changing your answer.</p>

<p>Dr. Lyon said most science classes will be moving to this format to administer exams - some Physics classes have already started using it, but they allow you to change your answer and just have negative points the way the online Quest works.</p>

<p>bump any other teacher recs</p>