How hard is it to forget about it?

<p>So going into college as a freshmen is intriguing, but morose since you're going to be missing your fellow classmates. However, I'm afraid that since I've drifted apart and lost contact with only a few people I've known well, it hits me sometimes. There is this girl who I added twice on facebook and rejected me and I knew her from 7th grade to 12th grade. One thing that also irritates me is that she's really beautiful and it's a bit hard for me to get over it (not as difficult as before though). I will not bother to private message her neither ask her about it. I feel like I will not see this person again. </p>

<p>I know making new friends is a magnificent experience, but I'm still experiencing this complication. I just recently discovered that two of the other classmates who I knew from High School have broken up because they reached a disagreement with each other and didn't turn out to be much friends in the end. </p>

<p>So if you knew someone who was generous to you all the time whether a guy or girl doesn't want to keep in contact with you, how would you feel? I feel like I must move on now. I want to visit some faces years from now, but it seems impossible right now.</p>


<p>I’d feel angry but I’d try to put it in the past. If someone wants to be a total prick like that then they were never worth my time.</p>

<p>It shouldn’t be hard at all to forget about it. Just try to meet new people in college, that’s all. By the end of the year, you’ll look back on this post and laugh at yourself.</p>

<p>The people who don’t care to keep in contact with you don’t matter anymore. You’ll make new friends in college. And who cares if some chick doesn’t accept your Facebook request?!?!?!?! It’s just Facebook and she doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>Me and her got along really well in school for 6 years. She’s really beautiful. And I didn’t expect her to deny it twice. The first I got rejected I thought it was a mistake. Guess it wasn’t. :/</p>

<p>Sometimes life throws you curveballs in the form of a woman turning out to be a *****.</p>

<p>^ Word. </p>


<p>Isn’t this the second thread about this you’ve posted in like a week or something?</p>

<p>Most people here are more excited/looking forward to college than hopelessly depressed about old memories. Sure they might miss the old times, but it’s stupid to let that bring your college experience down. I’m sure you’ll meet cooler people in college.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I’ll use this thread to motivate myself to fade away my depression.</p>