<p>I posted this over at the Admissions forum but thought it might be more appropriate in this forum.</p>
<p>How difficult is it usually to gain admittance to Lehigh? In terms of number of applicants accepted from those that applied, what are some of the general stats for those with strong chances?</p>
<p>I love the school but don't know if I've got the credentials for it</p>
<p>oh btw, I'm from the west coast, and an Asian, don't know if that would help or not</p>
<p>The middle 50% SAT scores = 1220-1400, with a 39% acceptance rate. If you're looking for comparisons, this is approximately the same selectivity ballpark as places like Wake Forest, NYU, or Rochester.</p>
<p>Lehigh is typical of the Patriot League schools. If you look at the Princeton Review statistics for each school, nearly all students accepted are in the top 10% of their class.</p>