How hard is it to transfer from WCAS to McCormick?

<p>I'm undecided on whether or not I wish to pursue engineering, but ultimately I'd like to probably study Economics. But how hard would it be to transfer between the schools?</p>

<p>I went from McCormick to WCAS pretty easily and I’m doing Economics right now. It’s not that hard to go the other way around either, but the engineering curriculum (EA sequence and whatnot) might make it hard to catch up if you transfer.</p>

<p>Aquamarinee: Any advice for future econ majors?</p>

<p>transferring is very easy. Once you get accepted just shoot an email to the dean of the school that you would like to be transferred in and they’ll do it for you. Apparently there is an online transfer form that you can fill out that is due by mid June. I missed that dead line so I just contacted the dean directly. I transferred from Econ to Engineering.</p>

<p>Transferring into Engineering isn’t much of a problem but like aquamarinee said, it will be difficult to catch up. There is a 4 quarter EA sequence that every engineer must complete along with 2 quarters of Engineering design and communication.</p>

<p>Would it be as easy to transfer to Medill?</p>

<p>No, definitely not as easy.</p>